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There was now two days since I’ve came home again. I hadn’t really seen Tom since he picked me up at the airport.

Just when I was about to go and make myself tea, the doorbell rang. I looked like a mess; I didn’t have the energy to care right now. I opened the door and saw a lady standing there with a big smile

“Hi!” she said enthusiastic “are you?” she quickly looked down at a card she where holding before she continued “Liz Mac Dowell!?”

“Yeah that’s me” I said scratching my hair confused

“I just have an invitation here for you!” she said

“An invitation? For what?” I asked her

“Well, open it and you’ll see!” she laughed enthusiastic.


I ripped the letter open with a knife I found in the kitchen. And started reading it.

“Art Show!!!??” I screamed out. It said *Hello Liz Mac Dowell. After searching for the best Artist here in London we came over you. We must say it’s great that a so talented artist moving to London. So we have decided to invite you to the Art show* and then it stood some important information under that. “That’s amazing!” I said out load. “Whohoo!!!” I screamed.

A load vibration sound filled the room and made me jumped frightened to the side. I laughed to myself when I saw it was only my phone calling.

*Hello?* I answered the phone

*hello Liz* Tom said

*Hi Tom* I said happily

*I was just wondering I you would like to do something?* he said warmly.

*yeah, I was just about to make some tea. So if you want to, you could come over?* I asked

*I’d love to* he said kindly

*great, see you soon then* I said smiling

*Okay great, I’ll be on my way soon* he said before he hung up.


I tossed my phone on my bench and started to make the tea. I was about to fill the other cup with hot water when my arm failed me and I got the water over me. “Aaaaahhhhhhh!” I screamed, it burned so much “LIZ!?” I heard someone call outside my door. I searched for something to drag me up and accidently dragged the wire to the kettle and got the rest of the hot water over me. Another scream came out of me. I could hear someone open my door and run inn. Tom stood there looking terribly worried. “What’s going on Liz, are you okay???”

No, I was defiantly not okay. “ahhh” I groaned. He pulled me up by my wrist and held a supportive hand on my back. “You’re so warm, what happened?” he said worried “I accidently got the hot tea water all over me” I groaned. “Just help me up to the bathroom, I’ve got to shower myself down with some cold water” I said

I didn’t even bother to take my clothes off. I just quickly turned the shower on with cold water. When I felt better I walked over to my room to change. I took my Marvel shirt on and some black pants. I put my hair up in a bun since it was still wet.

When I got downstairs I saw Tom standing in my kitchen with his back towards me. I couldn’t help but think he looked pretty handsome standing there.

Tom’s pov

I turned around and saw Liz standing there; she quickly looked away as soon as I saw her. Had she stand there long? “I made some tea” I said smiling to her “oh, thanks. I pretty much messed up the last one” she said rubbing the back of her neck. I walked over to her and handed over the tea “you didn’t do that on purpose did you?” I said joking.

“What? No!” she said with a smirk

“Eheheh, I’m just kidding with you” I said giving her a little push with my shoulder.

We sat down in the couch and said “but are you okay?” I said, giving her a little smile. “Yeah, thank you. For helping me and stuff. Sometimes I wonder why I moved away. I can barely take care of myself” she said laughing.

“No problem. That’s what friends are for right” I said smiling. She stared at me a few seconds with her big beautiful blue eyes before she responded with a little smile.

where there is an actor there is an artist (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang