The Girl With Bad Luck

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here is a longer part, tell my how you like it so far;)

That morning I woke up early from a nightmare. I didn't manage to fall asleep so I just stood up and took a warm shower.

After the shower I took some cloth on and put on my makeup. I went downstairs to get something to eat. So I made some egg and bacon and went to get a glass from the kitchen cabinet, and i accidently ripped out another glass. It fell on the floor and crushed in a hundred pieces. "Shake it off, just shake it off" I started to sing so the anger didn't get out. I filled the glass I didn't crush with juice and took my food out to the living room. I turned on some load music and started singing with my mouth full off food. I stood there dancing to the beat like an idiot.

I heard the door clock ring. Wow it must be a pretty load door clock if I could hear it through the music. I turned down the music and opened the door. "Here's some more boxes" I delivery guy stood there with four boxes on his side. "I just need you to sign under here" he reached the pen and paper to me and I signed under. "Here you go, thanks for the boxes" in the background I could see a white jaguar drive pass. I love those cars.

I carried the boxes inside and placed them at the living room floor. My TV had arrived! I tried to place it up and connect the wires but I gave up. I decided to go out and get some air and try again later. I took on a black jacked and a light green scarf.

I walked outside and took a deep breath before I walked up the streets. I found a beautiful little café and went inside to take a look. It was kind of a vintage style here as I looked around. I order a coffee and sat down at a table for two. I took a sip of the coffee. Totally forgot how hot it was, I burned my tongue and got some coffee on my scarf. No! Not this scarf! I tried to wipe it off with a tissue but it didn't work. "Oh, it's the girl with bad luck" someone said with a little laugh. I looked up and saw Tom standing there with a cup of tea. "Tom!" I said a little surprised "halo Liz" he said with a warm smile "mind if I sit down?" "Not at all" I said with a smile. Suddenly the thing that had bothered me a few days now was gone, how weird.

He got comfortable in his chair and asked me "now, how is that scar?"

"It's much better, thank you for asking" I said friendly. He looked into my eyes some few seconds before he was about to say something. Damn it Tom, I couldn't handle it when people looked into my eyes. I just wasn't very good with eye contact.

"Liz?" he looked at me with that kind of look who was wondering if I paid attention. "What?" I snapped out of my thinking. "Ehehehe" he had the cutest laugh "I'm sorry I was just thinking about something" I said with sorrow in my voice "You say a lot of sorry, don't you?" He said with a cheeky smile "yeah, I'm sorry" I took some seconds before we realized what I said and we burst into laugh.

"Ehehehe, it doesn't matter. We say a lot of sorry here in London so you'll fit perfectly in" he said still laughing. "Heheheh, that's good" I said laughing.

We got us self together and manage to stop laughing. He leaned a little bit forward and said a little unsure "Liz, I was wondering if you want to do something tomorrow? Grab a coffee and then I can show you around here in London. Unless you already have been exploring"

"I would love to, and I haven't had the chance yet to go exploring so that suits well" I said with a shy smile

"Good, I'm looking forward to it. I can pick you up tomorrow with my car then" he said with a smile while he took his jacket on. He reached his hand forward to give me a handshake. I stood there looking at his hand for two seconds before I reached my hand to his hand to shake it. That's another thing, I wasn't so comfortable by human contact, I didn't know why but that's probably why I never have had any boyfriend. And I was 29, not that my age matter in this situation. But that only says how much this was a problem for me. "I'll see you tomorrow then Liz" he said smiling after he gave me the handshake. "Yeah, goodbye Tom" I said shyly. He smiled at me before he turned around and walked out of the café.

On my way home my phone started ringing. It was my Dad. "Hey dad!" I said happy

"Halo my little girl"

"Dad I think it's time you stop calling me that" I said with a smirk

"Yeah, I'm just kidding with you. How is London?" he said with his friendly voice

"It's wonderful here, you guys just have to come and visit me here sometimes. And I met this man the first day that helped me up because I stumbled and hit my head. But I promise I'm fine" I had a tendency to say too much sometimes. This would defiantly make him worried.

"Man? Hit your head? Are you sure your fine?"

"yeah I'm sure dad" I said to him in a way that I hoped would calm him down.

"And what about this man?"

"What about him" hoping he would stay out of that theme, I didn't want to tell him about tomorrow. I already told him enough.

"Do you know who he is?" he said skeptical

"No dad, he was just someone passing by at the street when I fell, and helped me up. Not like in New York. There they would just pass me without helping me up" I said trying to convince him with a little laugh.

"Okay, just stay away from strangers. Bye"

"Bye Dad" I said before I hung up and walked in my door.

I walked into the kitchen and turned on the lights. "Oh... and that's that problem" I totally forgot to toss the broken glass I accidently crushed today. I picked up piece for piece "ah! Shit!" I cut my palm while picking up the small pieces. Not surprisingly, my bad luck is always there. I run to the sink to get it washed. I put a bandage on because it was pretty bad but not as bad that it needed to be stitched.

I finished tossing the crushed class without any more accident's and headed for the bed right after.

where there is an actor there is an artist (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt