The Art Show

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It was now a month since I've first started on my art project, and it was finally the day of the art show. I was very excited but still a little nervous. What if they didn't like it? What if they in fact hated it? So many thought's spinning in my head.

I heard car honk outside and grabbed my keys and run drawings where already sent to the art show so I didn't need to drag them with me. The man in the taxi looked really grumpy. Well I guess he don't like Wednesdays than.

When I first stepped inside the door to the art show I just thought "wow" it was amazing, so many artist where here. It wasn't the biggest art show that had been arranged here in London but at the time it was big enough for me.

I made myself thru the crowd of people to find my art spot, some people were standing there studying my art work, including Tom...

I smiled to myself; I didn't know he was supposed to be here. He hadn't really said anything about if he was going to come or not.

We had really gotten to know each other good lately. He was a really good friend. Yes, I finally called him my friend. It took a while but I think baby steps suit me better. I didn't fully trust him though.

But every day I trusted him a little more, he was really that type you could trust easily, it was just me that was the problem. I grew up with people disappointing me, it wasn't easy. And it had hunted me ever after.

I walked over to tom and tapped him on his shoulder "hi" I said smiling

"Hello darling" he said sweet

"I didn't know you were coming" I said

"Well of course I'd come, how could I possibly miss out on an important day like this" he answered

"Liz?" I hear someone say, could it be? I turned around

"Luke!" I said giving him a hug

"Well don't you look nice"

"Stop it" I laughed "I want you to meet my friend Tom" I said looking over to Tom

Tom's POV

I looked at her, a little surprised at first but then gave her a smile. She had never said that. She had never mentioned the words "Tom" and "friend" in the same line. I have mentioned a few times but I have never heard she said it, until now.

"I'm Luke Mac Dowell, Liz's brother" he said shaking my hand

"Nice to meet you Luke. I'm Tom Hiddleston" I said returning the handshake

"I know, Liz told me that she fell over the day she came to London and then this tall man came and helped her, and after that you guys just kept in touch"

I looked over to Liz, I could see her chin was blushing "that's right" I said smiling to her.

"Yes" she said smiling back to me

"Well guys, I think they're starting the awards for your category now sis. Should we go?" Luke said

"Yes we should" Liz said a little nervous

"It's going to be fine Liz" I said smiling supportive

They started to list up the people in the category; Liz was listed as number 7. There were about 30 in her category.

"The winner of the art show category portraits realistic drawings is... Liz Mac Dowell!"

I turned to Liz "Liz that's wonderful!" I said before I wrapped my long arms around her for a hug, I could feel her body froze at once I did. But I didn't let go, and surprisingly she let me, she started to relax. And eventually, wrapped her arms around me.

I pulled away and said "now, get up there"

I could see her mixed feelings, surprised, confused but the best of all... Happy.



"I can tell he likes you"

I froze "what are you talking about" I asked

"Come on Liz, you know what I'm talking about. Or more correctly, who I'm talking about" he smirked

"He does not" I said looking down

"Yes he does"

"How could you be so sure" I said

"Because he gives you that look"

"Luke, trust me. We're only friends"

"I don't think he only wants to be you're friend" he said before he walked into the kitchen.

I walked after him "if so, I won't let it happened"

"And why not? He seems like a gentleman" he said pouring juice in a glass

"I don't fully trust him, and my mind won't let Conner go..." I said looking down

"I understand it's going to be hard to let him go, but eventually you will. You can do it, I know you can"

I looked at him with anger in my eyes

"No, you don't understand. No one but Conner knows what I have been thru! No one will ever understand!! So don't say that!" I shout.

I run up the stairs up to my bedroom, letting my sorrows out.


When I woke up that morning, I came down to pancakes and a note

*Hi Liz. Me and Tom just went out to get coffee, I told him that you didn't feel to good last night and needed to sleep in, we'll be back soon*

Just as I put the note down. I heard he boys walk inn

"Hello Liz" Tom said walking over to me with two cups of coffee in his hands "I bought one for you too" he said handing over one of them

"Thank you Tom. That's too kind of you" I said giving him a smile

"Careful sis, its sounds like you're becoming British" Luke said walking towards us

"Well I have been here some months now so it wouldn't be too strange" I laughed

"I'd Love to stay here and chat with you guys but I have to catch an interview, so I'm afraid I have to leave. Maybe I'll come over tomorrow to say goodbye" Tom said making his way over to the door

"Yeah do that" I said waving goodbye

"Goodbye" Tom said before closing the door after him.

Luke smirked at me "I can tell you have a little interest in him"

"When are you ever going to shut up about that" I said walking towards the living room.

"You didn't deny it, it means you like him!" he said childish

"You are such a childish person" I said laughing at him

He sat down beside me and said "I know you don't want to talk about this, but I have only one question. Does he know about... you know?"

I looked down "no"

"I think you should tell him"

"Yeah" I said quiet feeling the heat from the coffee cup I where holding.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter; this is when it's getting important ;)

where there is an actor there is an artist (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now