Tom Hiddleston

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My head started spinning of the thinking I did. I have heard that name before... but how is that possible. I barely knew him.

"Hiddleston..." I mumbled looking down at the ground. I could see in the corner of my eyes that Tom was looking at me, like I was supposed to say something more. I looked over to him. Trying to figure out about I knew him from somewhere else, but I couldn't recall. I notice Tom was looking into my eyes, and I quickly looked away.

I started blushing. He must think I was so childish, that couldn't even look into his eyes for more than two seconds. Great... now I just feel stupid. It was like sometimes I could have a long conversation with someone with almost no problem. Other times I could barely say anything without starting blushing or feel awkward. I depend on what mood I am in I guess.

Tom stopped me and said "do you want to sit down" pointing at a bench standing on the right. "Okay" I said smiling.

We sat down at the bench and Tom asked me "so, what do you work with?"

"Um, I'm actually an artist" I said squeezing my hand nervously. Cues when I told people I was an artist I always thought they immediately where thinking that i was crazy. But that's not true. An artist where not "crazy" it was wrong of me to think that people thought that, but my brain didn't cooperate with my heart. Okay, I guess I understand why people who weren't artists thought we were crazy. But it's still wrong to call us that, it was just that an artist where thinking a little more different than other people. It's hard to explain.

"Are you? That's so cool!" he said enthusiastic. I smiled shyly at his answer. "What kind of artist an are you?"

"I draw, portraits" I said smiling.

Tom was about to say something when my phone vibrated. I unlocked it and saw that I've got a message. It was from my brother. *Liz... I've got some bad news* "I'm sorry Tom but I have to answer this" I said.

I walked a couple meters away from the bench and decided to call him. It would just take too long time to text him.

"What is it" I said worried thru the phone

", Connor was in a car accident today and...he didn't make it..." he said quiet. Because he knew how much he meant to me. "What!" I gasped

"I'm so sorry" he said before he hung up.

I was holding on to my phone, pressing it tight to my chest. I was still gasping, my face expression was empty. Like someone had just removed a big part of me.

I closed my mouth and turned around. I looked over to Tom, and quickly said "I have to go"

I quickly turned around and walked fast up the hill. I could hear Tom was calling my name, but I just kept going.

I reached the top and called a taxi. Luckily there was one who just drove nearby and it stopped. I got inside and it started to drive. I could see in the mirror that Tom just reached the top. He was pulling a hand thru his hair and breathed heavily. He must have run up the hill.

I know this part is really short, but it meant to be. It's not the best part but it's an important part of the story ;)

where there is an actor there is an artist (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu