Catch A Cold Part 2

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We were sitting on the couch when Tom asked

"I don't want to upset you, but why doesn't you're parents know that you know me?"

"Because for once I'm actually enjoying life. The only time I enjoyed life was those two weeks with Conner before I left. I didn't thought I could ever enjoy life after he died. But I was wrong" I said smiling "after I got to know you better. I understood that I could"

"The reason my parents didn't knew was because I was afraid they wouldn't except it... and what I feared was right, they don't except it" I said looking down

"I'm sure they will do with time Liz..." he said supportive "just give them time" he said grabbing my hand

"I hope so..." I quiet said

"I should probably head for bed. Do you want the bed that's on the right side of the room or the left side?"

"Can I have the one to the left? I prefer that side" I asked

"Of course, I'll take the one to the right then" he said smiling "goodnight"

"Goodnight Tom"

I was up another half hour before I decided to head for bed too. That night was the worst night I could ever have. I woke up 3'o clock because I was chocking. Tom came over to me

"Are you okay? Liz?"

"No" I coughed "Tom I'm so dizzy"

I had never been so dizzy before, I barley saw anything.

"Tom go to bed, you need sleep. I'll be okay" I said even though I felt like shit.

"Do you really think I would do that? I can see you don't feel good. I'm not going to bed again until I'm sure you're good."

He placed a hand on my forehead

"Liz you're so warm! We need to check your temperature" before I could stop him he went to get a thermometer.

"41!?" Tom said worried

I took his arm "Tom please, go to bed. I can go to my parents. You need to sleep!" I commanded him.

"No Liz! I can take care of you it's okay"

"Tom, you have work in the morning. It's bad enough that I woke you up. Now, my mom is a doctor. She can handle it okay?"

I could tell he didn't like the idea "let me at least walk you to them"

He took a blanked around me and held me supportively so I wouldn't fall. Tom knocked hard on door number 12 and a sleepy dad showed his face. "S-she has 41 in temperature! Please..." tom was breathing so heavy that he couldn't finish his sentence. Now Tom was in good shape so he must be stressed.

"Bring her inside" my dad said

I collapsed right after I got inside so Tom picked me up and carried me over to the couch. He held my hand tight as my mum was trying to cool me down with some cold sheets.

"Tom... Tom y-you should go...get some rest" I tired said.

"No Liz, I'm going to stay right here with you" Tom said still holding my hand tight.

I didn't have the energy to fight him, therefor I didn't answer him.


Liz's temperature had fallen and she was finally asleep.

"Is she going to be okay Dr. Lauren?" I asked Liz's mother

"Yeah she'll be fine. You can just call me Lauren by the way" Lauren said

"Thank you Lauren" I said giving her a smile. Liz's father had gone to bed after Liz's temperature had fallen.

"Does she mean a lot to you?" Lauren asked

I knew exactly what to answer "already by first meeting, she meant a whole lot to me"

"She really needs someone like you. Don't let her down. To many people have" Lauren quiet said

"I can assure that I won't" I said looking over to Liz sleeping peacefully

"You should probably go get some sleep, the clock is already 5"

"Are you sure?" I asked


I walked over to Liz and kissed her gently on her forehead and whispered "Goodnight Liz"

"Goodnight Lauren" I said before I walked out and up to our hotel room.


How do you like it so far?^^ as you probably understand i write about what's going on right now in Tom's life. just a bit later. like he isn't in Switzerland right now but i'll write about what he is doing *now* later than when it's happening:)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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