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*Liz, you have been in your little cave for over two week's now. And you have either said no or ignored my texts and i won't take no for an answer any more so. I'm coming over*

I read on my phone. He's right, I haven't been very welcoming. I had been working on my art show project, and when I didn't I where crying, or having trouble sleeping. And the nightmares and memories had bothered me so much that I hadn't slept almost at all. I was so tired of all of that.

I heard knocking on my door, it was probably Tom. I walked over to the door and opened to see a big smile and a pizza.

"I brought some pizza" he said

"I can see that" I said smirking

"Come inn" I said leading the way.

I got the cola out of the refrigerator and brought two glasses. Walking in the living room I saw Tom standing by my project studying it. He turned around when he heard me come in "this is really good, you're an amazing artist" he said smiling

"Oh, I don't know about that" I said blushing

He came over to me and sat beside me in the couch

"No I mean it, I really think you are an amazing artist" he said looking into my eyes.

I replied him with a small smile

I broke our eye contact and said

"You have been really secret about you. I don't even know what you work with"

I grabbed a pizza slice waiting for him to answer

"Well I guess it's time you know. I'm an actor. I didn't want anything to change. That's why I didn't told you in the first place" he said giving me a little smile

"Change?" I questioned

"I didn't want you to look at me any different" he said lifting one eyebrow.

"Wow, so that's why you are so good at doing impressions!" I said laughing "but seriously, that's amazing" I said smiling

"I was going to tell you after we were at the museum, but you needed to start in the project so I didn't get the chance"

I studied him. His name, his personality, and he were an actor. It wasn't before then I finally saw who he was

I raised my eyebrows "You're Loki!" I almost shout

"That's right" he said smiling his familiar smile. How can it come I've never seen it before now.

I gasped "I know it might have come by a little surprise" he said looking into my eyes


After I'd let it sink inn, Tom told me about himself, his actor life, his childhood and some experience he had had. There was this park he was talking about that he sometimes went to early in the morning to see the sun come up.

And one time in acing class he got a tip from a guy in his class who said he used to get wasted the night before if there was something important coming up next day.

So Tom decided to try this. The only thing he said was "never again"

Tom's POV

"Do you want to watch a move?" she said before taking another bite from her pizza slice.

"Yes" I said smiling to her

We agreed to watch forest Gump, she said she had it but never actually watched it.

After a good hour I felt something pressing on my shoulder, I looked to the side and saw Liz where resting her head on me. She had fallen asleep. I don't think at all she did that on purpose, she told me that she wasn't very happy over people touching her; it was because of her past. Liz didn't want to talk about it. Witch I of course respected.

But I had to get her to trust me; the only person she really trusted was Connor... and it broke my heart that she had no on to relay on.

That's when I decided, I was going to be that person.


I know it's short but I really don't want to write more right now. I'm not really in my best mood. But I hope you're enjoying the story so far ;)

where there is an actor there is an artist (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now