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I walked lazy down the stairs. It was Saturday morning and I was really tired because didn't sleep very well last night. I looked over to the TV who still was standing on the floor, but I found no motivation to try and fix that right now.

I made myself some breakfast before I went back up again to get some cloth on. I walked in to the bathroom and washed my face before I started to put my makeup on and took my hair up in a ponytail.

I decided to figure out the TV before Tom came so I started with reading the instructions.

I've just started to read the instructions when the doorbell rang. I walked over to the door and opened it. "Hey Liz" Tom said smiling to me. "Hey Tom" I said smiling back at him. "What are you reading?" he asked looking at the paper in my hand. "Oh! It's some instructions for my TV, I was trying to place it on the wall and connect the wires, but I'm not really good at it" I said a little embarrassed. "I would love to help you if you want? "He kindly asked "That's really nice of you but you don't need to" I said. He was about to say something when he looked over to my hand. "What happened to your hand?" he said worried. "Um... I accidently crushed a glass yesterday and when I cleaned up after myself I cut my palm by accident"

"What? Liz you have to be more careful" he said worried looking into my eyes.

"I know, I just... I just have always had bad luck in my life" I said while I looked down at the ground. I could tell that Tom saw that it was more behind that sentence. But luckily he didn't say anything more about that. Instead he just said "well, you can't get your TV up with only one hand, so I think I might have to help you" He said with a smirk.

I started to laugh a little and let him inside. "So this is your TV" he said while looking at it "yes" I said with a long s. he fixed it really quick and tried to turn it on. "Yes it works!" I said exiting. "Thank you so much" I said smiling. "You' welcome. Now, are you ready to go out and explore London?" he said in a funny way. "Yes" I giggled.

We got outside and I saw a white jaguar standing there. He walked over to it and opened the door for me. "Is this yours?" I said surprised. "Yes, do you like it?" he asked me "like it? I love it!" I said exited. I sat down in it and it felt amazing just sitting in it. He walked around the car and sat down at the left side. I still found it strange that they drive on the left side here.


I looked over to her while I was driving. She was so amazed over the car and the town. She caught me looking at her and smiled at me, I smiled back at her before I focused on the road again. I barely knew this woman but i knew that it was something special about her. I decided to take her to Clapham Common, a big open park. I stopped outside a coffee shop and walked out from the car. I saw Liz was on her way out of the car. "Wait here I'll go get the coffee" I said smiling to her.

I got inside and walked over to the man in the disk. I didn't see who he was until he turned around. "George!" I said surprised to see him. He was an old fiend I hadn't talked to in a while. "Tom! Long time since I have seen you. What can I get for you by the way" he said just as surprised as I was. "Yeah, it's been a while. I'll get two coffees" I said "two? Who's your friend?" he said with a cheeky smile "her name is Liz" I said with a smile "not sure I know who that is, what's her last name?" he asked. "I don't know actually. I only met her a couple days ago so I don't know her that well yet" I said. He gave me the coffees and I paid for them. "Well. I bet you guys will become good friends" he said and waved goodbye.

I got outside and saw Liz waiting in the car. "Sorry, it took longer than I expected" I said while I got inside the car. I handed the coffee over to Liz and started the car. "No it's okay. Thanks for the coffee" she said smiling.

We had derived a while without saying anything when I asked her. "So... you never told me your last name" I said still focusing on the traffic. I could see in the corner of my eyes that she was looking directly at me when I said it. "Well Tom. You never told me yours ether" she said with a cheeky smile. "Let's make a deal then. If you tell me yours I'll tell you mine" I said smiling to her.

"I'm Liz Mac Dowell" she said carefully. "Irish?" I asked "yes, my father came from Ireland and my mother grew up here in London" she said smiling "that's why you are so good with the British accent" I said smiling kindly to her "my mum loves the British accent so well that she can't leave it. So I heard a lot of that when I grew up" she said giggling a little. "And how about the Irish?" I asked looking at her. "Oh, well I can the accent since I lived there till I was 12. But after we moved to New York we kind of stopped talking it. Even my dad stopped" she said looking at the road. "It must have been amazing living in Ireland" I said smiling to her. "Yes it was" she said smiling still looking at the road.


I still couldn't lock eye contact with him. Or anyone beside my family for that sake. Though I smiled a couple times to him when he said something to me, I didn't manage to look into his eyes more than a second.

He parked the car on the side of the road and said "here we are" while he looked over the view of the park. He stood out of the car and waved a hand to me to tell me to come.

I walked around to Tom and stood beside him. "Wow" I said amazed. "Beautiful isn't it? He said with a gentle smile. "Yes" I gasped.

"Are you coming" he asked. I didn't notes he had stated walking into the park. "I'm sorry. I just got so stunned by the view" I blushed. "It's alright, I had the same face expression when I saw it for the first time too" he said with a handsome smile. It made me blush again. I looked quickly away to hope he didn't notes. I felt awkward about that and started talking about something else. "What's your full name then?" I said looking at the view while we walked in the park.

"Thomas William Hiddleston. But I go with Tom Hiddleston"

where there is an actor there is an artist (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now