
230 19 136


For miraculousluver0306:

1) I was in bed.
2) there are too many . . .
3) chewing my lip.
4) purple 💜
5) purple - duh!
6) err . . . Depends if you count golf buggies . . .
7) Jan 10th.
8) Lake District.
9) people chewing noisily, looking away when I'm talking to them or being patronising.
10) my pillow 🤣🤣
11) ♑ Capricorn ♑
12)  . . . Innocence?!
13) A Concert 6 Months From Now by FINNEAS. Psst . . . Go follow him on Spotify . . .
14) green with a dark blue rim, flecked with gold.
15) England.
16) "I don't have an incredible master plan for my life. I don't have any idea where I'm going or what I'm doing, or even where I'll end up. But then - if I don't have a wonderous plan, what can possibly go wrong?" ~ me 🤣🤣
17) probably France or Japan.
18) there's better.
19) Summer or spring, and anyone try to change my mind XD
20) Nokia.
21) the future.
22) depends on the day.
23) spiders/ losing people/ lifts.
24) Flora Cash.
25) seal.
26) Any one of my family (most of it!) or my best friend.
27) Brussel sprouts.
28) Titanic/ A Little Chaos.
29) not really. It depends what's grossing me out.
30) Grim 😬. Single 🔓. No more need be said.


Aight, so now that you've all sat through that I'm going to tag you guys . . . My apologies.












There you go! Doneeee

Okay I've done my best sorry for disturbing you byeeeee XD

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