Requests Answered:

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Okay! As celebration for hitting 300 followers, I asked people what they wanted me to do.
I got two responses:
Q & A.
Story behind my username.
So here we are!

Q & A: Please leave your questions here (any at all) and I'll answer >>

So obviously, Bruige Fisher isn't my real name. But then why did I pick it?
It's a family name. Simple as that.
My ancestors were all Fishers, and when the Bruige family married the Fishers, they became ' (first names) Bruige Fishers'. That would have made me 'Keira Bruige Fisher' (my actual last name is different from that, it was just an example XD)
I was very close with my great gran, whose house was full of the Bruige Fishers' things. Therefore, I naturally learnt a lot about my heritage and loved learning it. Hence my username :)

✨ Ta da ✨

Btw, how do you pronounce my username?
As in how do you pronounce the 'bruige'? So many people have got it wrong, honestly-
I'm curious :)

Anyway, please drop a question for the Q & A and leave a response to how you pronounce my username!!

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