💚Shopping with Satan💚

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Someone knocked on my door so I opened it. Satan stood outside it with our jackets. "Yes?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "What is all this?"

"We are going to go shopping."

My eyebrows furrowed, "We are?"

"Yes. I need new books and I also need help to carry them home."

"Sure. I have nothing better to do." I reached for my jacket but he moved it away from my grasp and opened it for me. I slipped it on and we left. 

The streets were bustling with people and I tried to stay close to Satan. "Hey! Wait up," I called to him as he began to blend in with the sea of demons. His hand grabbed mine and he had a tight grip so I wouldn't get lost. "Thank you," I muttered. Satan pulled me into an alleyway and I let out a shaky breath. 

"Are you alright?" he asked, looking me up and down quickly. I nodded. "Use your words."

"I'm fine. But why are there so many people here?"

"There's a sale. Now, we need to go before they sell out. I know a shortcut."

We went and cut through alleys and behind other shops only occasionally bumping into other people. We were still holding hands even though it wasn't necessary anymore. He turned a sharp right and pulled open and old wooden door. He held it for me and I thanked him before walking in. 

From floor to ceiling, the room was covered in books. Even the stairs had books tucked under them. In the corner of the room, was a bronze register that looked like a type writer. Behind it was an old man, he had white hair with streaks of black in it. He had a long handlebar moustache and every now and again he twisted the ends of it. 

A tug on my arm forced me to move forward and Satan took me upstairs. "That's Lufrika, he owns the shop. Arms out," he instructed. I did as he said and he began piling books into my arms. As he did so, I read some of the titles. They were all of different things. Some were non-fiction others were fantasy, romance, action, mystery, comedy. "If you're interested in any, you're free to borrow them any time. It's be nice to talk to someone about everything I read."

"I don't think I'd be able to read as much as you do, Satan."

He chuckled as he inspected shelves looking for a certain book. "Ah, found it. Darling, you don't need to read as much as me. You simply need to try one book. Here," he took all of the books out of my arms and but them on the floor in a pile that went past my knees. "This is one of my favourites. I think you'd enjoy it. There's love, betrayal, action. Everything, anyone could ever want."

The book was a deep green with gold writing on it in cursive. I ran my fingers over the front page, the title was raised and felt like silk. The green felt like small bumps under my fingers, some more rough than overs. I opened the first page and saw the title in a deep black ink. It reflected the light and I could almost see myself in it. "It's beautiful," I muttered. 

"Isn't it?" I looked up and his eyes flickered down to the book before going back up to me. "I can get it for you if you'd like."

"Oh no. It's alright. I'll come back another time and get it."

Satan shook his head. "Fine then, I'll buy it for me and it may just so happen it'll end up on your bed tonight." 

"You don't need to. It's alright, I'll-"

"I'm buying it. And you can't say anything to make me do otherwise." 

"Ok then," I nodded. With the massive pile of his books and my singular book we went down to the counter. Lufrika pulled out a brown paper bag with the shops logo on the side of it before putting all of the books into it. Satan took the bag and smiled. He held his hand out to me and I took it. "You didn't need me to come then, did you? If they all fit into one bag."

"No, that's not true sometimes he runs out and I have to carry them all home."

"Hmm, so you didn't want my company then. You just needed me to carry books which I am currently not doing."

"If you so desperately want to hold books then here," he held out the paper bag to me and I took it. "I do appreciate your company so thank you for coming with me. I did want to show you the shop for a while now. I thought you'd enjoy it." 

"I did enjoy it. But, uh I would have gone with you for nothing, you know? You didn't have to buy me a book"

"You liked it?"

"I did," I nodded with a massive smile on my face.

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