💗Curses with the Demon Brothers Pt.1💗

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Stupid book with the stupid dust. It had made me cough and sputter. I was reading the spell and mouthing the words, practicing it. When I breathed in to finally say it the dust rushed into my lungs and made me cough. Somehow I put a curse on myself without even trying and I had no idea how to sort it. The curse made my clothes disappear. Opening, my drawers I reached for some underwear but it flew away from my hand and across the room. I now needed help and there was only one person home.


I was yelling in my room for him yet I didn't hear any replies. "Luci!" I shouted. "I need help." I groaned and tried to cover myself with my hands before going up to his room. I knocked on his door and it opened. Grabbing it, I stopped it from opening anymore trying to hide my nakedness. "I have accidentally cursed myself. And clothes seem to be repulsed by me."

"What kind of curse did you cast on yourself?" he asked as he folded his arms over his chest.

"I don't know, Luci. If I did I probably wouldn't be here asking you for help, I would have sorted it out myself."

He began to smile and I narrowed my eyes at him. "This is quite amusing," he said as he began to chuckle. 

"You are evil, Luci!" I groaned. "I'm just gonna-"

"Come inside and I'll help you." I opened my mouth to protest but he grabbed my wrist pulling me inside. "Yes, I understand that you are naked and are unable to cover yourself using any material whatsoever. Although, I can control myself. I have no need to look." His eyes held contact with mine the entire time. "Now, tell me what happened for you to end in this situation?"

I sighed and still covered myself as I sat down on his bed. Lucifer was pacing up and down his room waiting for me to begin. As I wasn't speaking he looked back at me and raised a brow at me urging me to begin. "I was practicing some protection spells. Then I inhaled a page load of hundred-year old dust and almost died since I couldn't breath. After my coughing fit, my clothes that I was wearing had dispersed all over the room. I went to put new ones on and as I reach for something they flee from my hand."

"I see," he nodded. Lucifer turned on the balls of his feet and faced me. His eyes never broke contact with my own. "A curse like this is easily broken. I'm surprised you weren't able to figure it out, it's straight forward, Y/n. Frankly, I'm quite disappointed in you."

"Shut up and help me I don't like being naked in front of you!" 

"Well, I like it." Finally, his eyes raked down my body. He took his time in examining my body before they began to travel back up my body as if he was memorizing every part of me. My heart was thundering through my chest and my breath was shallow as I felt myself blush slightly. "And it appears that you like the attention."


I knew he wouldn't be much of a help but it was better than nothing. I went from my room to his and began talking through it as a warning. "Mamoon, just a warning. I am naked. I did something. Well not something, I messed up a spell and somehow placed a curse on myself. It repels clothes from me."

Loud footsteps sounded through the house. I grasped the door handle tightly pulling it shut. I heard something fall against the door and then it slipped open slightly. Pulling it shut, I tried to lock it but it was tugged open again. "You are not seeing me naked!" 

"Oh yes, I am!" he objected. The controversy seemed to power him more and pull on the door even harder. We kept pulling back and forth. Whenever Mamoon would gain any leverage, I mustered all the strength I could and pulled the heavy door to a close.

My hands were beginning to hurt. As I reached with my left hand to take over for my right, the handle slipped out of my grip. The door swung open and as I got a grasp on it I was pulled forward and Mammon fell back. We both landed on the floor; me on top of him. 

Our faces were just inches apart and neither of us dared to move. A smirk began to take over Mammon's lips and his eyes slowly began to look down. I slammed my hand over his eyes and he groaned before throwing his hands up in the air and groaning. "Why can't I see you naked?" 

"Because-" His arms hooked around my waist and he smiled as he held me to him. "Mamoon," I sighed. 

"If I'm not allowed to see you then I am touching you."


Knocking on his door softly, I opened it slightly. Levi was at his desk watching some anime on one of his monitors while simultaneously playing a game on another. Quietly, I slipped inside and dove into his bathtub. 

The blankets that could be used to cover myself flew out of the porcelain tub like a bird. They circled around the room once before falling on Levi's head and wrapping around it. The material yanked him back and pulled him on his chair directly in front of the bed. Levi ripped them off from his face meaning that he no longer had something obstructing his vision. They flew out the door and down the hall; I didn't bother to look where it went. 

Levi and I were staring at eachother. He began blushing massively and I couldn't even hear him breathing. I brought my hand up and clicked my fingers. Finally, he blinked and his eyes darted down and back up three time before he yelped. He tried to scramble onto his feet but he slipped and fell flat on his face. 

"There- I-" I tried to explain what was going on but the words kept falling out of my mouth and I couldn't seem to form a proper sentence. "Curse. Me. Book. Protection Spells. Fail. Dust. Cock- I mean choke!"

He peered back up at me and I looked down at him over the edge of the bathtub. Levi's eyes were wide and dark as he bit his lip and the inside of his cheek. "Uhm, this is like a hentai- I mean anime I watched." I couldn't help the laugh that escaped and I laid back in the bathtub as I laughed at out mistakes. 

After a few minutes, I caught my breath and looked to the side. With both hands on the side of the bath, Levi was peering over it at me. I could see the blush that he was trying to hide. I sat up making me taller than him, he looked up at me with wide eyes. 

"Can we recreate the rest of the anime?" he asked nervously.

A/N: The rest of the brothers will be in the next one *thumbs up* 

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