💛Gambling with Mammon💛

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"Come on, babygirl, you're my good luck charm." His arm curved around my waist holding me against him. "Blow on the dice, sweetie, blow on them." I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous request but I did it none the less. He rolled them and cheered as everybody else groaned. Mammon had won big and everyone else had lost more. "You need to kiss me, I need some of your luck.

"I am not kissing you!"

"Give me one reason why not."

"Because you look like bloody Elton John with those glasses on."

"And what wrong with that, princess?" he asked as he tipped them down so he could see my unimpressed stare over the top of the rims. "Kiss me, come on! It's just a kiss."

"Never, Mammon, never."

"Never say never," he said, pointing his finger at me. "And what, are you nervous? Have you never kissed a demon before?" he teased. I didn't bother to reply instead I turned on my heel and began walking away. "No! No, Y/n! Come back." He sped over to me and stood in front of me stopping from going any further. 


"I am sorry."

"Mammon," I said softly, "Beg for my forgiveness. On your knees."

His eyes widened and I nodded. He winced, his facial features squishing together. Slowly, he sunk to his knees and clasped his hands together. "Y/n, my dear, dear y/n. I am awfully sorry and I owe you the deepest of apologies. My teasing was inconsiderate and rude and I now beg for your forgiveness. And I will be most grateful if you join me at the tables again?" Finally, he gained enough courage to look up at me. 

"Fine, let's go." Mammon smiled and jumped to his feet, taking my hand in his and pulling me along to where we were. 

The woman hosting the table looked up at us. "I'm sorry, sir and miss but this table his now full." Everyone around the table looked smugly at Mammon. 

"Fine then, we'll find a better table," he said smugly. He put his arm over my shoulder and directed me to the slot machines. I leaned against one of the machines and Mammon put his hand on my waist and pulled me to him. "I wanna use this slot machine."

"Could of just said so," I stepped away from him and he put in his money before turning round and looking at me. "What?" I asked. 

Mammon nodded towards the handle. "You need to pull it. You're my good luck charm. I won't win without you."

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