💙💦Levi's Doll💦💙

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Levi's POV

The doorbell rung and I flung open the door, a brown package was sitting on the floor. Grabbing it by its corners, I pulled it closer to me and inside the house. I ripped open the cardboard and saw parts of her in the box. The instructions laid on top 'some assembly required'. 

As quick as possible, I brought it into my room. Carefully, I brought out each part of her and laid her down on my bed in the right order. There was a plastic bag at the bottom containing clothes. I opened it and laid out the lingerie and the pyjamas and the casual clothes in the drawer, I had cleaned out for her; my y/n doll. 

It took me a while to assemble her. I had to make sure everything was perfect. I checked the mobility of each limb and there was no problem. Looking her up and down, I spotted the on button. I pressed the skin coloured button on her waist. 

Her eyes opened and she saw me. "Hi, Levi," she smiled. 

"Hi," I said, unsure.

"What's wrong?" Her head tilted to the side. "Am I not what you imagined? If not, you can contact my-"

"No, no. You're perfect." 

Her arm whirred and she cupped my cheek. "Thank you, Levi. Now, I'm sorry to mention but you need to classify our relationship. When we were talking, you mentioned wanting to be more than friends. Is that still true?"

"I want whatever you want."

"Levi, once you classify our relationship my emotions package will be engaged. You have ninety-two options to choose from."

"Can you list them?"

She sat up and her face went blank. "The relationship options consist of the following: husband and wife, engaged-"

"I want you to be my girlfriend."

"Perfect." A smile took over her face. "There are sub sections to each relationship. Please answer the following questions to further classify our relationship. Would you like to be sexual partners?"


"Would you like to have lots of touch in our relationship?"


"Would you like to have a strong emotional connection?" 


I answered twenty more questions and then she closed her eyes and there was whirring again. She opened her eyes and smiled. She then began to blush and covered her chest with her arms. "Oh, right," I got up and grabbed her clothes. "Do you want to wear these? I'll turn around if you want."

"Levi," she laughed. "You're my boyfriend. You can see me naked." She reached for the clothes and put on the lingerie before the pyjamas. I was in my bed nervously waiting. I wasn't watching her even though she said I could. Arms went over my shoulders and she kissed my cheek before she nuzzled into my neck and kissed that softly. I felt the blood rushing around my body to my dick. My cheeks heated up as well. "Are you alright?" she asked softly. I let out a soft groan. Her hands slid down my chest and she kissed my neck harder as she moaned. "Do you still want to roleplay like we did online?"

"I'm, I-"

"Ssh, Levi, my love. It's ok. You don't need to be nervous."

"I just want you."

"I want you too, Levi."

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