💞🖤Club for the Rich and Famous🖤💞

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"Mammon!" I pounded my fist on his door. We were going to go out tonight to The Fall: club for the rich and famous. "Hurry up, I've been ready for half an hour!" 

I heard a cough and I spun round seeing Lucifer. His arms were crossed over his chest, "What's with all the yelling?" he asked, walking closer to me. 

"Mammon said we were going to go out to The Fall tonight but he isn't-"

"Are you looking for Mammon?" Satan asked and I nodded, "He went gambling." 

"Seriously?" I asked and Satan hummed. I groaned and began to walk off back to my room. I had gotten all dressed up for nothing. I took off my heels and began walking bare foot to my room.

"MC," Luci said. I turned round as I rested on the wall of the stairwell. "I'd hate for you to dress up for nothing. Diavolo has given me the night off and if you'd like I could accompany you to The Fall for the night."

"Really?" I asked, standing up properly. He nodded. "Thanks, Luci. I'd like that." 

Lucifer didn't get changed, we left right away. The Fall wasn't far so it we walked. It was a very awkward walk. We didn't talk and just moved. Moreover, when it was crowded he held my hand with no warning whatsoever. He pulled me through crowds of demons until we reached the back of the queue for the club. Once again, Lucifer tugged me forward. "Luci, the line starts here."

"Tell me the slogan of The Fall," he ordered. 

"The club of the rich and famous," I said, raising an eyebrow at him, getting confused.

"And what am I?"

"A pain." He narrowed his eyes at me and I couldn't help but smile. "You're rich and famous, Luci."

"Exactly, so we don't have to wait in line." He moved me forward and we got to the front of the line. The club bouncer, bowed his head to Lucifer. "It's very nice to see you again, sir." Lucifer held my hand tighter and brought me inside. The music was loud and thumping through out the entire building. His thumb began to rub the back of my hand. "Come," he ordered. 

We dodged the dancefloor and went around to the back. A velvet rope was unclipped and Lucifer brought me through. There were rows upon rows of booths, each was curved sofas made of black velvet with a table in the middle. Curtains lined each booth which allowed each person to have their privacy. "Luci!" a voice yelled. We both spun round and I spotted Diavolo moving out of a booth. He almost tripped but he caught himself. "Come join me." We did as he said and sat down next to him. Lucifer closed the curtains. There was a low light from under the table and candles that rested on the middle of it. I was sat in the middle of the two demons. Lucifer's arm rested on the back of the couch. His fingers occasionally dusted my shoulder but when they did he retracted them. "Val, princess, would you like a drink?" Diavolo asked. 

"Uhm," I picked up a menu and saw the cocktails there. "I want this one," I said pointing to the drink that had several colours in it. 

Diavolo rung a bell that was connected to the booth and someone appeared inside the curtain in seconds. "It is my honour to serve you, my prince. What would you like?" 

"Three flaming hell cocktails, please. And then another three." Diavolo smiled at me as I shook my head at his excessive ordering. The waiter nodded and bowed before running off to get our drinks. 

"Seriously, Dia, two drinks each?"

"We're here to have a fun time, are we not?"

"Well, we are but-"

"Exactly, so drink up." I looked forward and saw the drinks were already before us and the waiter was gone. I took one of the large glasses and brought it in front of me. I sipped on it and winced slightly at the strong alcoholic taste. "Darling, is it too strong?"

I shook my head as I drunk some more. "Slow down," Luci said, tilting the base of the glass down. "I don't want you getting drunk."

"Come on, Lucifer!" Diavolo objected. "It'll be fun. Besides we don't get to have that much fun. We always work and no-one's spotted us tonight."

"Two drink maximum." Two drinks turned to three. Three to five. And five to nine. 

I was laying across Dia and Luci. They were both drinking whiskey from the bottle to see who could finish it first. Luci won. He slammed the bottle down on the table and smiled lazily. "What did I win?" he asked, his words slurring. 

"Yeah, Val," Dia panted as he wiped the whiskey spilling down his lips and down his chin with the back of his hand. "What did Luci win?"

"How am I supposed to know?" I asked sitting up. "Luci, darling, what do you want?" 

"I want to kiss you." He rested his forehead on mine and looked into my eyes. I hummed lowly and closed my eyes. "Kiss me then," I said. His hand went under my chin and he pushed his lips onto mine. He held the back of my neck, holding my lips to his own as he kissed me harder. "I'm not liking this anymore," Dia grumbled. "Screw it," he said as his lips went onto my neck. Luci's tongue moved past my lips and slipped into my mouth. I moaned softly and he pulled back biting my lip softly. I pulled back completely and Dia's lips popped off of my neck though there was a purple bruise marking me. 

I began laughing uncontrollably. Dia and Luci had both kissed me. "Was he that bad?" Dia asked. I shook my head and looked back at Luci, he looked much more serious. I pressed my lips together as I began to muffle my laughs. I ran my fingers through his hair, it was already ruffled and messy. 

I was picked up and threw onto the table. Luci moved between my legs and kissed me more passionately than before. His hand ran up my thigh, moving my dress up with it. "Never laugh at me again, you whore."

"I won't," I said into the kiss, kissing him back as much as I could. 

"Good girl." 

"I'm being excluded. You guys are bullies," Diavolo muttered. I pulled back from Lucifer and grabbed his tie pulled him closer to me. He smiled and kissed me immediately as Lucifer moved to my neck. "We should go out more often," Dia mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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