Second chapter

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"Not shy, not me."

Yeji's voice boomed amplified over the speakers and then all was silent. Ryujin took her final position and looked at the camera, trying to breathe as normally as possible. As soon as he heard the "Cut!" she undid her position and gasped heavily for air. Her muscles were burning, especially the legs ones. However, she felt relieved. That was the last performance to promote Not Shy. Four hard weeks had come to an end.

"Thank you, this was ITZY!" Ryujin said along with her companions.

Applause and cheers rang out from the staff. There were many bows and thanks as Ryujin and the rest left the stage.

"Girls, we did it," Jisu said as they walked down a hallway. "We're done with promotions!"

Ryujin and the others let out a hooray and laughed, thinking of the long-awaited time they would have to rest before the year-end awards. That thought was overtaken by another as Ryujin fixed her attention on the tallest of the five walking together. Yuna was walking ahead of Ryujin, talking to Chaeryeong. "I have to talk to her," Ryujin thought, and not for the first time. That night when Yuna and she had crossed paths in the halls of JYP had happened several days ago. September 2nd, Ryujin remembered. A date she wouldn't soon forget.

As the days passed, Ryujin wondered more than once if what happened was a hyper-realistic dream, a prank of her mind brought on by repressing her feelings so much.

Ryujin was still lost in thought when Yuna turned her head to look at her. Their eyes met and a second later Yuna smiled at her. Seen by a third party, it would be just a friendly smile, but to Ryujin that smile meant something more. It was the same smile Yuna gave her when they said goodbye that night. That night when they kissed for the first time. Ryujin found herself smiling back at Yuna and as quickly as the maknae turned to look at her, she fixed her gaze straight ahead again, resuming her talk with Chaeryeong.

That confirmed to Ryujin once again that she hadn't dreamed what had happened.


Ryujin felt a tingle of relief as she lay down on her bed. After leaving Inkigayo and doing a few other things, her work day was over. Ryujin and the rest of ITZY arrived at JYP as the Sun was beginning to wane on the horizon. The sound of falling water indicating Yeji washing up was the background noise that accompanied Ryujin as he looked at her phone. Jisu and Yuna were in their room, as was Chaeryeong in her.

"I have to talk to Yuna," Ryujin thought once again. Ryujin and Yuna hadn't talked about what happened yet. It wasn't because they didn't want to, but because they didn't have how. They got up early in the morning, spent the day busy and arrived tired in the evening at their dormitories. The day after the confession, Yuna asked her by message what was next.

Ryujin: "We can't talk over messages about that."

Yuna: "Why?"

Ryujin: "It's dangerous. We can talk when the promotions are over"

Yuna: "If you say so it's okay, I guess."

Their next conversations were trivial, which didn't stop them from talking every day.

"So tired," Yeji said as she came out of the bathroom.

Ryujin let out a grunt of agreement and continued to stare at her phone.

Yeji laid back on her bed and started checking her laptop. Ryujin visited several apps to relax, though after a while she looked at her phone screen with no idea what to do.



"Are there any activities left or anything? I don't remember."

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