Fourteenth chapter

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Yuna looked away from the phone when she heard the doorbell ring. Were her parents expecting a visitor?

"I'll get it!" she said, driven by curiosity.

She didn't think to look through the magic eye, which added to her surprise when she opened the door to find Shin Ryujin, her girlfriend.

Ryujin gave a flirtatious smile and leaned against the door frame. She ran her hand through her hair and said:

"You're very pretty, are you single?"


Ryujin burst out laughing (surely Yuna's face was a poem) and straightened up. That's when Yuna noticed the cane.

"Ryujinie? What...? When...?"

"I'll explain later; right now, I just want to celebrate," she pointed the cane behind her.

Yuna looked past Ryujin, finding one of the JYP company cars.

"Did you drive?" Yuna asked. She had several unknowns in her mouth.

"Yeah, and I've come for us to go for a ride, so go change, sweet sweetie of my heart."

Yuna shook her head and then burst out laughing. She wasn't going to complain about such a pleasant surprise.

"Okay, okay. Wait in the living room in the meantime," she said, allowing Ryujin to pass by her. She left a trail of perfume very pleasing to Yuna's nose.


Ryujin sat down on the largest sofa in the living room, whistling softly. She laughed without removing her lips, making her body vibrate with laughter. Yuna's surprised face had been a total delight to her.

"Ryujin, it's been a long time!"

Ryujin stood up at the sound of Yuna's mother's voice.

"Mrs. Shin! It's a pleasure to see you."

She held out her hand, but Mrs. Shin hugged her. Ryujin held back a gasp of surprise and returned the hug, which lasted a few seconds.

"I guess you're the reason why Yuna came to her room with a big smile on her face," she said as she unwound the hug.

"Eh... I'd like to assume so," Ryujin replied, still stunned by the hug. It was not the first time that Yuna's mother hugged her, but the affection transmitted this time was much greater.

"Of course it was! No one else is able to give her that smile."

Despite being in her forties, the impression Yuna's mother gave Ryujin was that of someone older. Not because of her looks, but because she had a kind look and a soft voice.

Ryujin scratched the back of her head, suddenly self-conscious.

"If you say so..."

"She looks like her face is going to split because she's smiling so wide," Mrs. Shin continued in a cheerful voice.

"Mom! Stop it!"

Ryujin and Mrs. Shin looked down the hallway. Yuna had put on a cap, glasses, a black jacket with a pink shirt underneath and sweatpants.

Mrs. Shin rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Okay," she looked at Ryujin again. "A cane, huh? Before you know it, you'll be walking as usual."

Ryujin nodded enthusiastically.

"That's the plan, Mrs. Shin," she said with a smile.

Ryujin and Yuna said goodbye to the woman and left the house. Ryujin put almost no weight on the cane; for short distances it was not necessary.

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