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Yuna adjusted her cloth cap. She took it off her head and analyzed it. She frowned as she finished. How long had she had one like that? Totally black. She could have sworn there were none like that in her collection.

She put it back on hesitantly and started walking. She crossed the large gates made of iron bars and, when she was inside, she turned sharply. What was she doing there?

What was Yuna doing in a cemetery?

Her heart began to beat fast, nervous, terrified. She wanted to pull back, but she could not. Her feet moved forward, following the main path, from which others, less wide, ran between the tombs.

She could not speak. It felt as if her mouth was sewn shut, and she had to put a hand to her mouth to check that it was not.

Her feet turned to a small path on the right. She scanned the graves with her eyes, but she could not read any of the epitaphs, nor could she read any of the names or dates. They were all erased or damaged.

She stopped suddenly, almost as if her feet had a life of their own. She glanced out of the corner of her eye at the grave beside her, feeling two urges: one to look directly at the grave, another not to do so and run away from there.

She turned her body to face the grave.

"No, no, no..." Yuna repeated several times, covering her eyes with her hands.

She didn't want to see that grave for anything in the world. She felt that something horrible would happen to her heart if she did.

An outside force forced her to remove her hands from her face. She opened her eyes slowly, breathing heavily.

She looked at the grave, stifling a gasp as she saw the name carved into the stone of the tombstone.

Shin Ryu-jin

2001 - 2022


"No...!" Yuna gasped, writhing on the bed.

She covered her face with her hands, feeling it wet. It got even wetter as she cried harder.

"Ryujin," she sobbed.

Sadness and fear were suddenly overshadowed by despair.

Yuna grabbed her phone, wetting it a little with her tears, and turned it on. It seemed to take it forever to do so.

She searched as quickly as she could for her chat with Ryujin. She sobbed again, this time in relief, when she saw the time of the last message.

Ryujin (11:13 P.M.):"<3"

"Thank you," Yuna said. "Thank you."

"Just a nightmare," she thought.

The overwhelming sadness subsided, but to finish burying it, Yuna reached into her phone's gallery. She searched for the last photo she had of Ryujin, showing her alone hugging one of her cats. It had been taken by Yuna herself a short time ago.

She was tempted to call Ryujin at that hour, just to hear her voice. It was early morning, but Ryujin would surely answer her. However, she didn't. She didn't want to spoil her dream, and above all, she already knew it had been a nightmare.

"I hope you never get out of prison," Yuna thought with annoyance.

She was still afraid for Ryujin. She had lived with her, talked to her every day, but she was afraid for her all the same. She feared something bad would happen to her again, and she feared what that would mean for herself.

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