Fifth chapter

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Ryujin, like the rest of the people, didn't distinguish the moment when she passed from sleep to wakefulness. She took a deep breath, and the air brought a gift to her brain: orange scent. She slowly opened her eyes. Yuna had not varied her sleeping posture and neither had Ryujin. The maknae was curled up against Ryujin's chest, breathing slowly.

Ryujin had one arm draped over Yuna's body in a sort of embrace. Ryujin was leaning on the other arm, and she thought it was tremendously lucky she didn't have it asleep.

She settled on her back, taking care not to wake Yuna. She looked up at the ceiling, white. The room was illuminated by the muffled rays of sunlight coming through the only window in the room. Ryujin rubbed her eyes and sat up in bed.

She didn't want to get out of bed yet, so she detailed Yuna's room. The bed was spacious: enough for two people to sleep comfortably in it. The walls were marble white, like the ceiling. The bed was placed in the center and against the wall, leaving spaces on both sides. There were several shelves, inhabited by different things: one was filled with gifts that, Ryujin deduced, had to be from MIDZY; another was filled with pictures, though the darkness didn't allow Ryujin to make out much; on the last shelf were stuffed animals, though Ryujin only made out Cabbit, the Yuna character from WDZY.

A grunt brought Ryujin out of her inspection. She looked at Yuna, who rolled onto her back. The girl opened one eye while rubbing the other. Spotting Ryujin, she smiled lazily.

"Good morning, Ryujinie," she said in a husky voice.

Ryujin curved her lips upward. She reached out and stroked Yuna's cheek, saying nothing. Then she squeezed her nose, causing the girl to giggle.

"Good morning, Yuna."

She leaned toward Yuna and left a chaste kiss on her lips. She was about to sit up when Yuna's hand on the back of her neck forced her down again. This time the kiss lasted longer than it should have, but neither seemed to mind. Yuna let her go, and both pairs of lips elicited a faint wet smacking sound as they parted. Ryujin, however, did not pull away entirely. She let her face hover close to Yuna's, looking into her eyes.

"Did you sleep well?" asked Ryujin.

"Mhm," Yuna said, looking into her eyes. "How about you?"

"Like a baby," answered Ryujin. "I attribute it to your presence."

"Wanting to make me blush so early in the morning, Shin Ryujin?" Yuna said, amused.

"Maybe so, Shin Yuna," she turned away. "I'm hungry."

"Then we'd better go out."

Ryujin knew that, which didn't take away from the fact that she wanted to stay there for a few more hours.


Back at JYP, Ryujin headed to her room. Yeji wasn't there. She was with Jisu, Ryujin remembered. She then went to Jisu and Yuna's bedroom. Ryujin was surprised to receive no answer when she knocked on the door. Wondering where they were, she went back to her room.

On the way she met the two girls.

"Jisu, Yeji," she said as she approached them. "Where were you?"

"Didn't you see the group messages?" Jisu asked.

"Not really," Ryujin replied. She hadn't touched the phone so far that day.

Yeji rolled her eyes.

"Lost in space," she said. "Anyway, we went to the cafeteria. By the way, Jisu offered me to stay at her home this Christmas."

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