Fifteenth chapter

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Yuna massaged her forehead, trying to soothe the pain in her head. It felt like she had been hit in the head to put her to sleep.

"So, this is the hangover," she thought. It was not amused.

She patted the bed, finding it empty. Yuna could have sworn she'd slept with Ryujin, but she didn't remember much after snuggling with Ryujin and the rest to watch movies.

She made an effort to open her eyes and sit up on the edge of the bed, slowly. She groaned at the twinge of pain up there. On the bedside table was a glass of water and a pill, along with a note.

"This pill is an aspirin. Take it along with the whole glass of water, it will help with the hangover. <3"

Yuna sketched a sleepy smile and did as the note indicated. She then went to the bathroom to energetically scrub her teeth and tongue to leave her breath fresh, minty. She washed her face and went to the dorm kitchen. Yeji and Chaeryeong were on the couches. Yuna greeted them and replied that she felt good when asked.

She sat on one of the high chairs at the counter, and on the other side of the counter were Ryujin and Jisu, preparing food.

"Good morning," Yuna said.

"Good morning, Yuna-yah," Jisu replied, sending her an air kiss to which Yuna let out a short laugh.

Ryujin stopped what she was doing and walked around the counter, planting herself next to Yuna. She turned to face Ryujin, who curled up and kissed her. Her mouth tasted minty.

"Good morning, my life," Ryujin said when the kiss was over.

"Hello, love," Yuna said smiling.

Ryujin put her hands on Yuna's head and started to move them carefully.

"How are you? Do you have a headache?" she asked.

"A little. Thank you for the aspirin," Yuna said, putting her own hands on top of Ryujin's hands.

Ryujin kissed her head, to which Yuna hummed softly, happily.

"Don't look at the phone too long if you want it to go away fast," Ryujin said. "I'm not an expert on drunkenness and hangovers, but it will help."

Yuna nodded and pulled Ryujin in for another kiss, shorter than the last one.

"I understand, thank you. Are you okay?"

"Same dull headache we all have, but no big deal. Don't worry."

Yuna gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

"It's fine."

Ryujin gave her a smile before returning to the kitchen. Yuna was busy watching her cook. Ryujin frowned in concentration and mumbled to herself on occasion, gestures that Yuna always found interesting.

Everything Ryujin did was interesting.

"Girls, I have news that could be considered good news," Yeji shouted from the living room.

The three girls in the kitchen exchanged questioning glances. Before any of them could say anything, Yeji and Chaeryeong appeared on the scene.

"The police managed to find out that Seok-neul had two assistants," Yeji said.

Just the reporter's name alone was enough to make Yuna, Ryujin and Jisu become enraptured. It was a name that none of the five girls were happy to hear.

"It seems that Seok-neul herself mentioned them by accident, but their names were enough for the police to find them. A woman and a man, the first named Eun-suk and the second, Han-soo," Yeji continued. "They deny being involved or knowing anything about what he planned to do to Ryujin," all the girls glanced at the aforementioned.

Hanbok || 2Shin (English version)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें