Thirteenth chapter

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"Ryujin," Yuna said. "Ryujin, Ryujin, Ryujin, Ryujin, Ryujin!"

She was about to continue but her voice broke.

"Don't cry," Ryujin murmured. "D-don't cry."

Ryujin's lips began to tremble. She wanted to say something, but only a sob came out.

Yuna wanted to tell her so many things. She had thought about this moment, imagined it over and over again, with increasing frequency as the days passed without her waking up, but now that she was in front of Ryujin she could only cry, overcome with emotions.

"It's relief," she managed to say. "They're tears of relief. I love you, precious. I love you."

Yuna opened her eyes to look at Ryujin. Her lips were trembling and tears were streaming down the sides of her face, soaking the bandages. Yuna gently wiped away her tears, drying them on her shirt.

"I missed you so much," Ryujin said in a nasal voice. "I don't know if it makes sense since I was unconscious, but I missed you too much," Ryujin moved her hand from Yuna's forehead to her cheek and caressed it. "I love you so much..."

Yuna leaned over and kissed her forehead again and again.

"I didn't stop thinking about you at any moment," she said between each kiss she left on her Ryujin's forehead.

"I'm sure you did," Ryujin replied. "Bring your cheek closer."

Yuna complied with her request, feeling Ryujin's dry lips rest on her left cheek. With her hand, Ryujin indicated her to put her other cheek, kissing it as well. Finally, Ryujin took her chin and kissed her shallowly on the lips. Ryujin's lips were parched, but Yuna didn't mind a bit.

"I have to call a nurse and the rest," Yuna said, still leaning over Ryujin. "But I don't want to be separated from you for another second."

Ryujin smiled slightly.

"Isn't there a button to call the nurses?"

"Ah," Yuna remembered. "Yes, there is."

Yuna pressed it.

"Let's wait."

Ryujin opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again with a rictus of pain imprinted on her face.

"What's wrong?" Yuna asked in alarm.

"My jaw hurts," Ryujin said almost without removing her lips.

"Damn," Yuna thought.

"You have a dislocated jaw," Yuna said, not having found a softer way to say it.

Ryujin looked at her in horror, causing Yuna to cry again.

"Calm down," Yuna said. "You'd better not talk."

Ryujin said nothing. Yuna leaned her forehead against Ryujin's and whispered to her how much she had missed her until the nurse arrived. After she asked Ryujin and Yuna a couple of questions, she went out again. Soon after, the others arrived.

Yuna gave way to Ryujin's mother, who cried for a long time holding her daughter's hand. Then Jisu and Chaeryeong approached, both with crystal clear rivers flowing down their faces. Yuna thought wiping Ryujin's tears had done little good, watching her shed more and more as each girl approached. Yeji was the last to approach, and though Yuna had seen her cry the day they first saw Ryujin at the hospital, she couldn't help but be surprised to see her crying hard.

"I thought your cat eyes would dart out when you came in," Ryujin said. Her voice was hoarse, raspy and nasal at the same time.

"What did you expect? I've been waiting days for you to wake up," Yeji said, smiling a little.

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