Trip to the park

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Yelena had thought that a trip to park would be fun for Natasha. Natasha was cuddled with her kitty and her blankie on the bed. Yelena said"Hey Baby,Time to wake up". Nathalie sat woke up and reached up. Yelena picked her up and said"Good Morning Princess". Natasha held onto Yelena as She got carried into the Living room. Yelena said"Do you wanna sit in the rocker for a bit"? Natasha nodded. Yelena set Natasha on the rocker and said"Want to watch a show"? Natasha nodded. Yelena put on Loud House. Natasha cutely sang along with the show. Yelena said"Ok Baby girl,I got your breakfast done so let's get you into your Highchair". Natasha said"Uwp,Uwp"! Yelena picked her up and carried her into the kitchen,setting Natasha into her highchair and buckled her in. This is Natasha's highchair

Yelena put the tray on and set Natasha's plate on it,along with her bottle. Natasha ate her breakfast and drank her bottle. Yelena Said"You ate good baby,Now let's get you dressed and do your hair". Natasha said"I wants Elsa dress". Yelena said"Ok Baby girl,Do you want a braid in your hair like Elsa"? Natasha said"Yeah! Elsa's bow"! Yelena said"Ok Sweetie". Yelena took Natasha outta the Highchair and carried her to the her Nursery. Natasha picked her dress.

Yelena got a clean Pull-up for Natasha. Yelena said"Is this the one you want Baby"? Natasha said"Yeah". Yelena said"Alright let's get on the changing table".

Natasha carefully stepped on the steps then laid down on the changing table. Yelena unzipped Natasha's Jammies.

Taking off her Pajamas and changed her Pull-up then put then dress on her. Yelena said"Your adorable baby girl,Let's get your hair done sweetie . Do you have your bow"? Natasha said"Uh huhs". Yelena brushed and braided Natasha's hair. Natasha said"I wike it". Yelena but the bow at the end of the braid. Yelena said"Alright let's get socks on shoes on". Natasha said"I want my blue ones". Yelena said"Ok. Pink socks"? Natasha said"Yeah". Yelena said"C'mon". At the park... Natasha was in the big harness swing. Yelena was pushing her. Natasha giggled. A lady with a 12 yr old walked over to them. The lady said"Excuse me,We need to the swing". Yelena said"Well we're using it right now". The lady said"Well my daughter can't use the regular swing". Yelena said"There's another one over there". The lady said"She wants to use this one". The 12 yr old undid the harness,the pushed the swing making Natasha fall out of the swing. Natasha cried and said"Sissy"!! Yelena said"What the hell"?!! Yelena picked Natasha up. A police officer came over and said"I just saw what happened. *Looks at Natasha* That looks like it hurts sweetie". Yelena said"Oh Baby I'm sorry that happened". The officer said"Hi I'm Isaac". Yelena said"I'm Yelena and this Natasha" Isaac said"Nice to meet you Yelena. Hi sweetie. Do you wanna come with me and we take care of those Boo-boos"? Natasha nodded. Issac said"Is it ok if I take you from sister"? Natasha nodded. Yelena said"Thank you Issac. Do you have a little one"? Isaac said"Yes,I do. His name is Westsy". Yelena said"We should set up a playdate". Issac said"That would be fun. C'mon sweetie,Let's get your boo-boos cleaned". After Natasha's scraps and owwies where taken care of. Issac said"Would you like to meet Westsy,He's over on the playground". Yelena said"Sure. Do you wanna meet him Baby"? Natasha nodded,Holding her kitty in one hand and Yelena's hand in the other. Issac said"Westey,C'mere Baby"! Westsy said"Yes Daddy"? Issac said"West,This is Natasha she's a little like you and this Yelena". Westsy said"Hi Natasha". Natasha said"H-Hi". Issac said"Why don't you two go play while we talk"? Westsy said"Ok Daddy. C'mon Natasha". Westsy held Natasha's hand as they walked to the Bouncy Animals. Westsy said"Do you want the kitty or the puppy"? Natasha said"K-Kwitty". Westsy said"Ok". Some kid flung the Bouncy Animal and Natasha banged her head. Westsy said"Hey Natasha,Wanna play on playground"? Natasha nodded. Yelena said"How is Westsy"? Issac said"He is 23. I am 26". Yelena said"Natasha is 22 and I'm 24. She's 2 yrs younger than me". Issac said"Westey's little age is 5,No younger than that". Yelena said"My little Natasha is 1-3,We live close to our parents but I'm her caretaker. She's my baby". Issac said"Westey is my little boy". Natasha was happy to have friend. Natasha fell on her knees which are Bandaged and cried. Westsy said"Tasha what's wrong"? Natasha said"I fwalled ons mwy knwees".. Westsy helped her up. Natasha said"Want uwp". Westsy picked her up. Yelena said"Aw that's cute. My poor Baby,she fell on her knees". Issac said"Westey,cmere kiddo"! Westsy walked over to Issac and Yelena,carrying Natasha. Westsy said"Yes Daddy"? Issac said"Me and Yelena where thinking about getting together for a playdate tomorrow. You and Natasha seem like you're getting along great". Westy said"Yay"! Yelena said"You're a good friend,Westsy". West said"Thanks Auntie Lena". Yelena said"Auntie"? Issac said"Hope you don't mind". Yelena said"I don't mind". Issac said"We gotta go home west". Westsy said"Ok. *kisses Natasha's head* Bye Tahasa,Bye Auntie Yelena"! Issac and Westsy left. Yelena said"Hey Baby do you wanna go home"? Natasha nodded. Back at home... Natasha said"Sissy,Can we watch a movie"? Yelena said"Sorry baby I gotta with Daddy to the store but Mommy will watch a movie with you". Natasha said"Want you"! Yelena said"Baby,I'm going to the store. So mommy will be here with you". Natasha grabbed Yelena's arm,crying. Melina said"Hey Lovebug". Natasha wouldn't let go of Yelena. Yelena said"Baby girl,I need to go". Yelena got her arm free from Natasha's grip. Yelena and Alexi left to the store. Natasha cried. Melina said"Natasha,it's ok. She's coming back". Natasha said"Sissy"!!!! Melina put on Frozen 2 and said"Look sweetie,Elsa". Natasha cuddled her kitty and her blankie.

Natasha had her paci in her mouth. Melina said"Do you want a snack sweet girl"? Natasha nodded. Melina said"What would you like"?
Natasha said"Fruit snack". Melina said"Which one,Princess or Elsa"? Natasha said"Both". Melina said"Choose one". Natasha said"Elsa". Melina put the fruit snack in a small bowl then gave it to Natasha. Natasha ate her snack and threw the bowl on the table. Melina said"Natasha,Don't throw the bowl". Natasha said"Want nother snack". Melina said"Ok. What would you like"? Natasha said"Puffs". Melina said"Ok Sweetheart". Melina poured some puffs in the bowl then gave it to her. Natasha said"Want more". Melina said"That's enough for right now". Natasha ate em and threw the bowl on the table. Melina said"You do you throw the bowl"! Natasha pushed Melina away from her. Melina said"You do not push me away. Your going in time-out". Natasha said"Nwo"! Melina pulled Natasha outta the chair and put her in the corner. Natasha pushed Melina away from her again. Melina him Natasha on the hand and said"You do not hit"!! Natasha cried. When Alexi and Yelena came back home... Yelena said"Mom,Why's she in the corner"? Melina said"Well she threw the bowl on the table when I told her not and she pushed me while I was I talking to her so I put her in timeout". Yelena heard Natasha crying. Yelena took her outta the corner and saw the red mark on her hand. Yelena hugged her and said"Shhh,it's ok Baby. I got you,shh". Natasha just cried. Alexi said"Hey sweetie,Why don't you come with me"? Alexi picked her up then picked up her kitty and blankie taking her into the Nursery. Yelena said"Why did you hit her"?! Melina said"She was being disrespectful and pushed me twice"! Yelena said"She was crying cause she got hit". Melina said"It wasn't that hard". Yelena said"It was hard enough to leave a mark on her hand mom". Melina said"Well do you do when she does it to you"?! Yelena said"I tell her if she does it again she'll go in Time-out and if she pushes while she's in the corner I tell her that it's not ok and leave her in the corner". Melina said"I feel terrible ". Yelena said"Well just apologize to her,Mom". Melina went into the Nursery and said"Hey sweetie,Mommy's sorry she got mad and hit". Natasha hugged Melina. Alexi said"Melina,we better get back to the house". Melina and Alexi went back home. Yelena said"Hey Baby,Do wanna take a Bath"? Natasha shook her head,No. Yelena said"Ok Baby,Let's get your Jammies on. Do you need to be changed"? Natasha nodded. Yelena carried Natasha to her Nursery and changed her. Yelena carried Natasha to their room and set her on the bed. Yelena said"Stay right here,Baby. I'm gonna go changed,ok"? Natasha nodded. Yelena changed into her Pajamas and sat on the bed. Natasha said"Sissy,I weft mwy blwankie and kwitty iwn thwe otwher rwoom". Yelena said"Ok Baby,I'll get it". Yelena got Natasha's Blanket and kitty,giving it to. She told Natasha Goodnight. Natasha cuddled with her kitty and blankie as she slept. Yelena read a book before going to sleep.

Natasha,The Little WidowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora