playdate with Trish and Westsy

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Today Westsy and His little sister Trish are coming over to a playmate. Clint said"Hi princess. *Picks her up* Aw,You still sleepy"? Natasha nodded. Yelena said"Can you put her in her Highchair"? Clint said"Sure". Clint buckled her in and put the tray on. Yelena set Natasha's plate and bottle. Natasha ate half her pancake and drank all her milk. Clint said"Let's get you dressed Sweetpea". After Clint dressed her,he brushed her teeth and put her hair in a ponytail. Yelena said"You look beautiful Baby girl". Natasha had her Elsa paci in her mouth. Yelena said"I don't know what happened to your stich paci. Bubbie do you know what happened to it"? Clint said"No I don't". Yelena said"I'm sorry baby,Niether me or Bubbie know what happened to your paci". Natasha was Crying and put her head on Clint's shoulder. Clint said"Shh,Shh it's ok Princess". Yelena said"Hey Baby,It's ok. You have other Pacis". Natasha had calmed down after a couple minutes. Clint said"Was the stitch one her 1st one"? Yelena said"No,Her Elsa one was her first but her Stich one is her special one cause it says 'Ohana' and that means family,That's why I was so special". Clint said"Oh ok. Hey honey,If you keep using your Elsa for 2 weeks I'll see about getting you a new Stich one,Ok"? Natasha nodded. There was a Knock at the Door. It was Issac and Dave with Westsy and Trish. Yelena said"Hi guys,Welcome"! Issac hugged Yelena and said"Thanks for having us,West has been wanting since last week to have another playdate with Nat". Dave said"Hey Clint". Clint said"Hey Dave. Hi Trish,My my you look just like Moana". Trish said"Thank you". Natasha hugged Westsy. Westsy picked her up. Trish said"Hi Tasha". Natasha said"Trishy"! Yelena said"Oh that is so cute"! Clint said"Alright go play". Natasha dug out her blocks and started to build Trish said"No Westsy! I had these first"!! Natasha said"Nwo,nwo! Shware". Westsy said"Wow Tasha you have a whole container of blocks"! Trish knocked down Natasha's building she had built making one of the blocks hit her on the head. Natasha ran to Clint and said"Bubbie"!!! Clint said"Oh honey what happened"? Natasha pointed to Trish. Clint saw the blocks and said"Oh I see,Did one of the blocks hit you"? Natasha Nodded. Issac said"Teresa-Emily,Cmere"!! Trish said"Yes Daddy"? Issac said"Did you knock down Natasha's building"? Trish said"She was being bossy". Natasha said"Nwo trwue she nwo shware wif Wesie" Issac said"Tara,You need to sit in the corner". Trish said"No"!! Issac said"Tara,You better listen to Me or you're going to get Spanked". Trish said"No"! Dave said"Then do what Daddg said you in the Corner. Right Now"! Trish stood in the corner. Clint said"Hey Westsy,C'mere kiddo"! Westsy said"Yes Uncle Clint"? Westsy said"Whenever something like that happens I would really appreciate it if you'd come and get me,Ok? Cause you're the oldest". Westsy said"Ok. Hey Tasha do wanna play still"? Natasha nodded. Clint said"Do you want me to clean up your blocks"? Natasha nodded. Clint picked up the blocks and put them up. Clint said"How bout you and Westsy play with your Dolls"? Westsy said"I like that Idea". Clint out Natasha's Barbie doll princesses. Natasha had her Anna and Elsa. Trish was let out of the corner and was allowed to play. Trish picked up Elsa while Natasha looked for the outfits. Natasha got a white and purple dress for Elsa,A Green and yellow dress for Anna. Natasha said"Nwo! Elsa's mwine"! Trish said"But I'm playing with her"! Westsy said"Trish,Tasha had Elsa first so give it back". Trish said"No"! Natasha grabbed hold of the doll,trying to take it from Trish. Trish hit Natasha hard enough to leave a Brusie. Natasha ran to Clint and said"Bubbie"!! Clint picked her up. Clint Said"Oh my. Yelena"!! Yelena ran into the living room and said"Princess,What happened"?! Natasha was Crying. Yelena said"Does it hurt Baby"? Natasha nodded. Yelena said"Clint can you get her an ice pack"? Clint said"Already got it". Dave said"Teresa-Emily and Weston-Xavier get in here"!! Both of them went into the living room and said"Yes Papa"? Dave said"Who hit Natasha"? Westsy said"Tara did,Papa". Dave said"Teresa-Emily Dakota Adams"! Issac said"We are very disappointed in you Tereasa-Emily. Now,Why did you hit Natasha"? Tara said"Cause she tried to take the doll from me"! Clint said"Westsy which doll did Tara have"? Westsy said"The Elsa one". Clint said"I think I know what happened,Natasha had put her Elsa doll while scrounging around looking for an outfit and Tara picked up the doll,Natasha was probably trying to get it back". Westsy said"Yeah and I told her that Tasha had Elsa first". Dave took off his belt and said"C'mere". Tara said"No,Papa don't"!! Dave started whipping her. Dave said"You better behave or we're going home,You understand"? Tara nodded. Dave said"Good". Yelena said"I think Natasha's done for the day,but we should do a get together really soon. Maybe go to a bigger park,Amusement park,fair or the mall"? Issac said"That's an Amazing idea. Alright,Bye sweetie". Natasha Waved Bye. Clint said"Hey sweetie did Tara Scare you when you got hit"? Natasha nodded. Yelena said"Well hopefully next time she'll be more nice". Clint said"She's 4,right? Her little age is 4". Yelena said"Yes". Clint said"She's older than Natasha in both her actual age and little age,She shouldn't have Bullied Natasha". Yelena said"Yeah. Natasha may be younger than her but that doesn't give her the right to hurt our sister". Natasha was crying. Clint said"What's wrong honey"? Natasha pointed to her arm. Clint saw that she scraped it. Clint said"When did that happen"?! Yele said"Probaly when Trish pushed her" Clint got the Bandage and wrapped it around Natasha's arm. Natasha pointed to the TV. Yelena said"No,Baby. It's Naptime". Natasha pointed to Clint. Clint said"Would be ok if she napped out here with me while we watch a show"? Yelena said"Sure. Let me just change her real quick". Yelena changed Natasha into her Nightie then carried Natasha into the living room. Clint said"Which show do you want Baby? Loud house,Ponies or SpongeBob"? Natasha pointed to Loud House. Clint put on the show. Soon Natasha was asleep. Clint switched the TV off and went to sleep as well while Yelena cleaned up the Nursery and did the dishes.

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