Mall Outing

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Today Yelena and Clint are taking Natasha to the mall. Clint woke her up,fed her got her ready and did her her hair. Clint said"Ok,Ready to go"? Natasha said"Uh huhs. Wait,Kwitty"! Clint said"Here's Kitty. Now let's get you into your carseat". Yelena said"I put the Stroller in the trunk and her diaper bag is in the backseat on the floorboard". Clint put Natasha into her carseat and strapped her in. Clint sat up front. Natasha was a little fussy during the car ride. Clint said"What's wrong honey"? Natasha said"Want's Baba". Clint said"Where almost there sweetie,Look"! Natasha looked outside the window and saw it. They parked and got out. Yelena got out Natasha's stroller

And Clint put her in,Buckling her her in

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And Clint put her in,Buckling her her in. Clint said"Do you have the Diaper Bag"? Yelena said"Yup".

Clint said"Are we ready"? Yelena said"Yup,Let's go

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Clint said"Are we ready"? Yelena said"Yup,Let's go. In the mall... Natasha Said"Sissy,why thwere pweople lwooking awt mwe"? Yelena said"Don't mind them Baby. How bout we go to the Toy store"? Natasha said"Yweah". In the toy store... Natasha saw a princess doll and reached for it. Clint said"You this one". Natasha nodded. Clint put it in the basket. Yelena said"I found a dress for kitty and look,It's an Elsa dress". Natasha said"Want it's for Kwitty". Yelena put it in the basket. Natasha said"Thwat onwe"! Clint said"Sweetie it's too much,Maybe next time you can get it". Natasha said"Aw"... Yelena said"Look what I found baby". Natasha said"Anna and's Ariel"! After paying for the toys,they left. Someone came up to them and said"That's disgusting,An adult shouldn't be acting like a child". Clint went up to the guy and said"You mess with my Sister,You mess with me". The guy ran off. Yelena said"Wow,You don't mess around". Clint said"No gets away with insulting my little sister". Natasha pointed to the bag. Yelena said"Words baby,Use your words sweetie". Natasha kept pointing at the bag. Yelena said"Baby,You gotta use your words". Natasha shook her head. Yelena Said"Baby if you don't use your words I can't understand what you want". Clint said"Do you want a Baba? Are you hungry? Do you need to be changed"? Natasha whispered and said"W-Wet". Clint said"I'm gonna take her to the bathroom". Yelena said"Ok". Clint took Natasha outta the stroller and into the bathroom. Natasha was crying. Clint laid her on the changing table and said"Oh its ok sweetie". Some guy named Dave came up to come him and said"Looks you've quite the fussy Little one here". Clint said"Yeah,She is". Dave said"I'll distract her". While Natasha was distracted,Clint changed her Pull-up. Clint said"Thanks. I'm Clint by the way". Dave said"I'm Dave". Clint said"This Natasha. Can you say hi Tasha-bear"?Natasha Waved. Dave said"Hello sweetie". Clint said"Do you have a little one"? Dave said"Yeah,A little girl her names Trish". Both of them walk outta the bathroom,Dave introduced Trish to Natasha. Yelena said"Hi I'm Yelena". Dave said"I'm Dave". Trish is 23 but her little age is 4. Trish said"Hi,I'm Trish". Clint said"Natasha,Say hi baby". Natasha said"Hi". Trish said"Can I see you kitty"? Natasha said"Nwo". Dave said"Ah uh Trish. That's probably her special toy,so no trying to take it". Trish said"Ok". Dave said"Oh honey we gotta go,Daddy Issac is waiting for us". Yelena said"Wait Issac? As in Issac the police officer"? Dave said"You know him"? Yelena said"We met him at park a week ago". Dave said"Oh that's rignt. Maybe we can get all 3 Littles together for a playdate". Yelena said"Sounds good". Dave and Trish left. Natasha pointed to Build-a-bear. Clint said"Ok sweetie,Let's go". There was a lady with a little girl. The little pointed at Natasha and said"Is she sick or something? Why does she look an's act like that". Natasha picked out the last Elsa bear.

The little girl snatched it and said"This was supposed to mine you sick B**ch"! The lady said"C'mon darling let's step away from this twisted Sl*t"

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The little girl snatched it and said"This was supposed to mine you sick B**ch"! The lady said"C'mon darling let's step away from this twisted Sl*t". Natasha cried. Clint took the bear from the Brat and said"You need some Manners child. Do you know who I am"?! The girl said"You're an Avenger"! Clint said"That's right and if you ever mess with my little sister again I'll tare you up"! The girl ran off. Yelena said"Look Baby,Do wanna go make your bear"? The lady at the station said"Wow,That was Amazing what you did for your sister". Clint said"Thank you". The lady said"I know a couple Littles who com around here,Westsy and his sister trish". Yelena said"Westey is actually Natasha's friend and We just met Trish a few minutes ago". The lady Said"She's adorable. What's her little age"? Yelena said"1-3". The lady said"You're a pretty young one". After the bear was stuffed Natasha picked out a Rapunzel dress and slippers for her bear. The lady gave Natasha a special backpack for her bear. The worker Waved goodbye as they left. Natasha wanted to go on the Carasel. Yelena took her outta the stroller put her on one of the hourses,standing next to her. Someone with a toddler came over to them and said"Excuse me but my daughter wants to ride this horse". Yelena said"We got her first so you'll just have to pick another one". The toddler cried. The Woman went to the security officer and told on Yelena. The officer didn't believe her. After the ride was over,Natasha was asleep in her Stroller. At Home... Natasha woke up from her nap. Yelena said"I can't believe how rude she was to us,just because of her Baby wanting to ride the house Natasha was on". Clint said"I can't stand people like that. Let alone people with brats". Natasha quietly played. Yelena said"Hey Princess,Did you sleep good"? Natasha nodded. Yelena said"Hey Baby do you wanna watch cartoons with Bubbie while I make Lunch"? Natasha nodded. Clint picked her up and said"Hi sweetie". Natasha smiled and laid her head on his shoulder as he carried her into the living room. Clint sat in rocker and turned on Belle. Yelena said"Hey Baby,What would you like"? Natasha said"Mac'N'Chweese". Yelena said"Ok. Puffs or Goldfish"? Natasha said"Puffs". Yelena said"ok. Milk or Apple Juice"? Natasha said"Awpple". After Lunch,Natasha was fast asleep on Clint's lap. Clint rocked with her in the chair befor laying her in her crib. Yelena and Clint watched TV while they ate.

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