Bucky and Natasha's Outing

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This is 3 days after Natasha was sick. Today,Bucky's gonna take Natasha to the park. Steve went with Clint to a Trainging Course. Yelena went with her Parents to get supplies for Natasha. Natasha was running around the house. Bucky said"Natasha,We don't run around the house. Now go sit down while I make your lunch". Natasha said"Okies,Bubba. I no's more run". Bucky said"Good girl". Natasha sat in the rocker and turned on TV. Bucky said"Here sweetheart,Eat up then we're going to the park". Natasha said"Yay"! Bucky put Natasha's bib on her. Natasha took it off. Bucky put it back on her. Natasha took it off again. Bucky said"Take it off again and you're getting a spank". Natasha said"I don't 'anna wear it"!! Bucky said"Either wear it and eat or I'll feed you". Natasha said"Fwine". Bucky put the bib back on her. Natasha ate her lunch. Bucky said"That's my Good girl. Now does sissy have an extra diaper bag I can use"? Natasha said"Uh huh. I's get it". Natasha got the bag and gave it to Bucky.

Bucky said"Ok so Wich blanket"? Natasha picked this one

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Bucky said"Ok so Wich blanket"? Natasha picked this one.

Bucky said"Ok so Wich blanket"? Natasha picked this one

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Bucky folded it and put it in the bag. Natasha picked out her Bucky,Steve and her Hawkeye toys to pack. She had her bucky bear with her,Which bucky got her a few days ago. Bucky said"I got a pack of Pull-ups in the car so let's pick 6 outfits". Natasha picked her Black Widow,Winter Soldier,Falcon,Captain marvel,Belle,and Avengers symbol dress. Bucky packed them up and said"Ok,I got your snacks and Baba's,along with 2 extra paci's. Which plushies do you wanna pack"? Natasha said"C'apain a'merica an's w'inter Soldier". Bucky packed them in the bag. Bucky said"Ok,Let's get your shoes on then we can go Baby". Natasha picked her new Winter Soldier shoes. Bucky said"I like these,Who got you these"? Natasha said"Stebie,ordered these fwor me's". Bucky did the velcro and said"What's on your shoes"? Natasha pointed to Bucky and said"You". Natasha got her new Stich paci but she put it in a special place and had her superhero paci in her mouth.

 Natasha got her new Stich paci but she put it in a special place and had her superhero paci in her mouth

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Bucky said"Let's go to the Park sweetie". Bucky took Natasha to the car. They where taking Clints car. At the Park... Bucky said"C'mon sweetie,Let's go play". There where some kids at the park. Natasha was in her fav swing. Bucky was pushing. A lady said"Excuse me but my daughter wants to use the swing". Bucky said"Well your gonna have to wait. My sister is using it". The lady said"Well this is for children not adults". Bucky said"My sister likes coming here". The lady unlatched the harness and Pushed Natasha out. Natasha tripped the lady. Bucky said"Tasha,No. That's not ok". Natasha said"Shwe mwean". Bucky said"I took care of it". Natasha said"Sowwy bubba,I's no dwo iwt again's". Bucky said"Good girl,Now I'm gonna go sit down on the bench while you go play". Natasha said"Ok,Bubba". Natasha ran off to play. A 8 yr old said"Mommy"!!! A lady with a toddler rushed over to the girl. Bucky Natasha push the kids outta her way. Bucky said"Natasha! Come here now"!! Natasha went over to Bucky. Bucky said"You do not push anyone. I saw you push those kids". Natasha said"They's was in's my way". Bucky said"You do not push. Turn around". Natasha said"Nwo". Bucky turned her around and smacked her bottom 5 times. Natasha cried. Bucky cuddled her and said"I love you,But you cannot push others out of your way. Now go play". Natasha ran off and went to play but some lady took her bucky bear and she had a Tantrum. The lady said"That's disgusting,A grown adult shouldn't be acting like a child! That's just gross"!! Bucky saw Issac and said"Issac! Someone is harassing Natasha". Issac said"Oh,These Karen's I hate people like that are like that". Bucky took the bear. Issac knocked the Karen out. Bucky said"Let's get your Pull-up changed then we're going home,it's getting close to Naptime". Natasha got picked up by Bucky. At the car... Bucky said"Oh no,your outfit got wet". Natasha said"Aw,No"... Bucky said"It's ok sweetie,Let's get you changed". Bucky Changed her outfit and pull-up. Bucky said"There we go sweet girl,Now Let's head home". Natasha said"Now,I don't wanna go home"!! Bucky said"Stop it. I will spank you". Natasha was fighting Bucky,Not wanting to go home. Bucky said"Look at me". Natasha didn't look at him. Bucky sat down,bringing Natasha on his lap with Natasha facing him and holding her wrist. Bucky said"You need to stop". Natasha tried to get loose from Bucky's grip. Bucky said"Natasha! Stop it"! Natasha said"Nwo! Lwet gwo"!! Bucky layed Natasha on his lap. Natasha said"Nwo Bwubba"!! Bucky raised his hand and began spanking her. Natasha cried and clutched her bear. Bucky stopped and let her up. Bucky picked her up and said"You I love you but when you have a Tantrum that's a No-No,cause it's not ok. Now let's go home". Natasha nodded. Bucky set Natasha into her carseat and strapped her in. Back Home... Natasha was crying. Bucky said"Sweetie it's ok. Shh,Shh you're ok". Bucky picked her up,gently rocking her. Bucky said"Hey what wrong baby"? Natasha pointed to Bucky bear,his arm was ripped. Bucky said"Oh Baby girl it's ok,I can fix him". Natasha just cuddled with him. Bucky put her down and said"Here,Let's get Bucky Bear and I can fix him". Natasha got her bear and gave it to him. Bucky stitched up the bear and gave it to her. Bucky said"Naptime,Sweetie. I'll get your baba". Natasha nodded. Bucky made her a Bottle of Chocolate milk. Natasha accepted the bottle. Bucky sang a Lullaby in Russian to Natasha and put her into the crib,tucking her in. Bucky kissed her head and said"Night-night sweetie,Love you". Bucky turned the Captain America Nightlight then left the Nursery. Natasha was cuddling with her Bucky bear. Bucky was working on something special for Natasha. Natasha slept for about 2 hrs. Bucky said"Hi princess,Did you have a good nap"? Natasha said"Uh huh". Bucky said"I got a surprise for you". Natasha said"Rweally"?! Bucky said"Yeah. C'mere Baby girl". Bucky picked her up and took her into the living room. Natasha said"I wuv it"!! Bucky said"Now you can play with all your Avengers toys". Steve,Clint and Yelena have Returned home. Yelena said"Hi Baby girl". Steve said"Hi Tasha-bear,Buck". Clint said"Hey Sweetheart,Hi Buck. Bucky said"Hey guys". Yelena said"Hey Baby girl,Hey James". Steve said"How was your day"? Bucky said"Good,We went to the park for awhile". Yelena said"Did you cause any trouble"? Bucky said"Shs threw a Tantrum when it was time to leave so she got a Spanking". Yelena said"Ok. Well I'm going to do Laundry". Steve said"I need to get me something to eat". Clint said"I can make us some pizza". Steve said"That sounds sounds good". After Everyone was Done doing their own thing,They all gathered up in the Living room to watch a Movie.

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