Natasha and Bubbie's Trip to the store

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(AUTHOR'SNOTE: I know the picture doesn't exactly match but I wanted to Use it.)Yelena went with her Parents to their meeting with Darykov's Daughter. Clint had to go to the store Today and would be taking Natasha with him. Natasha woke up. Clint said"Good Morning Princess". Natasha reached up. Clint picked her up and carried her to the kitchen,setting her into the Highchair. Natasha said"Baba". Clint said"Ok sweetie". Clint made Natasha a bottle and gave it to her. After Breakfast... Clint changed Natasha's clothes and pull-up, brushed her teeth and did her hair. Then Clint repacked the diaper bag. Natasha had her kitty in one hand and her bottle in the other. Clint said"Looks like we're ready to go Sweetie". Clint and Natasha went out to his car,which was a blue SUV with Automatic doors and seats in the very back. Clint had a Carseat behind the Passengers seat for Natasha. This is the carseat

Natasha climbed into her seat

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Natasha climbed into her seat. Clint put the diaper bag underneath his seat. Clint then Buckled Natasha in and got in the driver's seat. At the Store... Clint grabbed the cart with the seat big enough to Natasha and brought it over to where she is,The diaper bag on his shoulder. Clint unbuckled the fussy Little and put Natasha into her Cart. Clint buckled her in and said"Let's go,Princess". Natasha held her kitty close to her. In the Store... Clint was looking for a carseat for Westsy. This is what he got.

Natasha said"Who's thwat fwor Bubbie"? Clint said"It's for Westsy,Tomorrow I'm going to start Babysitting him so I need to get this for him"

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Natasha said"Who's thwat fwor Bubbie"? Clint said"It's for Westsy,Tomorrow I'm going to start Babysitting him so I need to get this for him". Natasha said"Yay"! Clint said"Now all I need are outfits and pull-ups". Clint go 10-20 outfits and these pull-ups.

 Clint go 10-20 outfits and these pull-ups

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Natasha was getting fussy again. Clint took out a bottle and gave it to her. Natasha drank it as Clint gathered everything he needed. A lady with a 14 yr old said"Ugh,That's disgusting. An adult shouldn't be acting like a Toddler,that's wrong". The 14 yr old said"Why does she look like that Mister"? The girl asked Clint politely. Clint said"It's called Age regression. It's where someone goes into a younger headspace. My sister here had a very traumatic childhood". The 14 yr old said"My names Lizzy". Clint said"I'm Clint Barton and this my sister Natasha romanoff". Lizzy said"You're Avengers. I read about the Civil War and I knew that Captain America,Winter Soldier,Hawkeye and Black Widow where on the run". The lady said"Isabella,Come along"!! Clint spotted someone who looked like Bucky and sure enough it actually was. Bucky said"Hey Clint". Clint said"How are you here"? Bucky said"It's not just me Steve's here too". Steve said"Hey Hawkeye". Clint said"Hey Steve". Steve went over to Natasha. Natasha turned away from him. Steve said"She's a Little"? Clint said"Yes". Steve said"Are you one of her caretakers"? Clint said"Yes. Her other Caretaker is her older sister Yelena". Steve said"I didn't know she had a sister. What about parents"? Clint said"Yes,They live close by". Bucky said"She's Cute". Steve said"What's that stuff for"? Clint said"Natasha has a friend who's a Little,His name is Westsy". Bucky said"Do you think Yelena would mind if we stayed? We don't really have anywhere to go". Clint said"Well come with us and you can ask her". Steve said"Oh tasha,why're you hiding"? Clint said"She gets nervous". Bucky said"How old is she when she's little"? Clint said"Her range is 1-3". Steve said"Tasha there's no needed to be scared,Its me Steve remember"? Natasha looked at him and started to cry. Steve unbuckled her and held her. Steve said"It's ok. Shh". Clint said"Why don't you carry while I continue getting the stuff"? Steve said"Ok". Natasha was still crying. Steve rubbed her back,While Bucky sang "When the seas are rolling in
When the stars are shining clear
When the ghosts are howling near
When we sing the Russian lullaby
In the night, in the night
Let's you and me together leave for higher ground
When you are all alone just listen to the sound
Lullaby". Natasha calmed down and snuggled with Steve. Steve said"Hey,I brou my shield with me and suit. Would you like to dress up"? Natasha nodded. Bucky said"Hey Clint,Does she like Avengers toys"? Clint said"She has a box of Avengers toys in her closet but she cries when she looks at it". Steve said"Why"? Clint said"Because she misses her Avengers family". Steve said"Maybe We can help with That". Back Home... Yelena was back from the meeting. Steve and Bucky saw Yelena. Yelena said"Hi I'm Yelena". Bucky said"Hi I'm Bucky Barnes". Steve said"And I'm his brother,Steve Rogers". Clint said"I hope it's ok they stay with us". Yelena said"Of course. AR you guys ok with Sharing a room"? Bucky said"We shared a room at the tower so that's fine". Yelena said"Natasha,Who are they to you"? Natasha said"Stevie and Bubba". Steve said"Me and Buck are gonna unpack". Bucky said"Here,let me do it while you get to know Little Tasha-bear". Natasha got out her box of Avengers toys. Steve said"Let's see who you have here". Natasha dug out,Captain America and pointed to Steve. Steve said"Thats right,that's me. *Picks up Hawkeye* Who's this"? Natasha said"Bubbie". Steve said"Hey Tasha-bear,Why haven't you played with these"? Natasha started to cry. Steve said"Shh,it's ok Tasha-bear you're not in trouble. I just wanna know why Tasha-bear". Natasha said"Cause I's was swad thwat I no more's see you and Bwucky". Steve said"Oh Tasha-bear,you don't have to be sad anymore. Me and bucky are here now". Natasha said"Stevie plway"? Steve said"Sure Tasha-bear". Bucky said"Hey Stevie,Hey Tasha". Natasha said"Bubba,plway"? Clint said"Ok so Bucky is Bubba and I'm Bubbie". Yelena said"Cause you're both family to her. Now she has 3 big brothers". Natasha was getting fussy. Yelena said"Hey Bubbie,I think she's getting sleepy so can you put her to bed for me,pls"? Clint said"Sure". Clint picked her up and carried her to the room,changing her then tucked her in. Clint said"She's asleep,Snuggling with her Captain America bear". Steve said"Aw,That's so cute". Bucky said"I should get a Build-a-bear Bucky. Steve's one was made especially for him and he still sleeps with". Steve said"Thats the only thing I have that comforted me through hard times and it reminds me of you buck". Clint said"Natasha can be sensitive at times,All you gotta do is pick her up,cuddle her and rock her". Steve said"Me and Bucky used to have a little one before the Civil War but she passed away from a sickness". Clint said"Ok. Yelena is her Primary caretaker and I'm a secondary Caretaker so would two also like to be secondary Caretakers"? Bucky said"Yeah,That's fine". Natasha was crying. Clint said"I got her". Yelena said"While Clint deals with Nat,I wanna talk about what punishments you're comfortable with when punishing Natasha". Steve said"Ok,What punishments do you use"? Yelena said"Spanking,Time-out,Take away privileges and not letting her go out". Steve said"Ok. I think we'd be able to handle little Tasha-bear". Clint came outta the room and said"She wants a Baba. She's not feeling good". Steve said"I can get it". Clint said"She wants you to snuggle with her". Steve said"Can we sit in the rocker"? Clint said"No need to ask". Steve made the bottle and got Natasha outta the room. Steve sat on the rocker with Natasha. Steve gave Natasha the bottle. Steve said"Shh,Shh its ok Tasha-bear". Natasha finished the bottle. Steve put the bottle on the table. Steve sang a Lullaby to Natasha. Bucky said"Stevie,We better get to bed". Steve put Natasha to bed. Yelena and Clint went to bed as well. Natasha didn't sleep till Midnight,She couldn't get to sleep cause she didn't feel good but she eventually got some sleep.

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