Natasha's doctor appointment

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Today,Natasha has a doctor's appointment. Yelena said"Natasha,This not up for discussion. You're going". Natasha said"No,I don't want to go"!! Yelena Said"Natasha,You need to go". Natasha said"No"!! Yelena said"Natasha,What's so bad about the doctor? Last time wasn't that bad". Natasha was crying. Clint said"What's going on"? Yelena said"Baby,Why don't you wanna go to the doctor"? Natasha said"D-Doctor S-Scary". Yelena said"Why's it scary baby"? Natasha said"Needles,Owwies". Yelena said"Baby,It's gonna be ok. I'm sure you won't get a needle today. Are you Big or Little"? Natasha said"Big. But I wanna take kitty". Yelena said"Ok. But I'm taking your bag just incase you feel little,ok"? Natasha nodded. Yelena said"But you still gotta sit in your car seat". Natasha nodded. At the Doctor's office... Dr.Lindsay said"Hi,I'm Dr.Lindsay". Yelena said"I'm Yelena and this one here behind me is Natasha. Dr.Lindsay said"Hi Natasha". Yelena said"She's a little shy around doctors". Dr.Lindsay said"So today we're going to see what gets her into her Little mindset and Also how her incoruge her to use her words". Yelena said"Alright sounds good. See sweetie I told you that there's no Needles". Dr.Lindsay took them into a special room. Yelena said"Dr.Lindsay wants to see how you go into your Little Mindset,Ok"? Natasha nodded. Dr.Lindsay said"So how do you help her with transitioning from Big to Little"? Yelena said"Well I pick her up and cuddle her,Gently rub her back". Dr.Lindsay said"Thats good,Can demonstrate that"? Yelena said"Sure". Yelena picked up Natasha,Walking around the room and rubs her back. Natasha layed her head on Yelena's shoulder. Dr.Lindsay said"Can set her down"? Yelena set Natasha down. Natasha cried and reached up. Yelena sat next to her. Dr.Lindsay said"Natasha,Look at this". Dr.Lindsay set out 4 toys. Dr.Lindsay said"Pick one toy you'd like to play with". Natasha pointed to the princess doll. Dr.Lindsay said"When she does this,What do you do to get her to use her words"? Yelena said"Like,This. Baby,Can you use your words"? Natasha kept pointing to the doll. Yelena said"Baby,Use your words sweetie. Can you use your words,pls"? Natasha said"Dwoll". Dr.Lindsay said"Good Job". Yelena said"Good Job Baby". Dr.Lindsay said"So I'm gonna set up a play area for Little Natasha so we can talk". Yelena said"Ok". Dr.Lindsay set up a Baby gate,Keeping Natasha in the play area. Dr.Lindsay said"While Natasha plays I wanna talk about what punishments you use". Yelena said"I spank,Put her in time-out,take away privileges and don't let her go out with Clint". Dr.Lindsay said"So is spanking her affective". Yelena said"Yes". Dr.Lindsay said"You mentioned someone named Clint,Who is he"? Yelena said"Clint is my age but he's Natasha's Best friend. He became Natasha's bubbie when she told she's a little,He actually lives with us and is a caretaker as well". Dr.Lindsay said"So your her Sissy and he is her Bubbie. Does he have Authority to punish Natasha"? Yelena said"Yes. He does encourage Nat to use her words but if she's upset or tired she'll point or Nod". Dr.Lindsay Said"So what's her age range"? Yelena said"Its 1-3 yrs". Dr.Lindsay said"Littles 1-3 should be a verbal but with Natasha just keep up Encouraging her to use her words and praise when she does. How do you reward her when does something good"? Yelena said"I get her a new toy,Let her get a dress or a new paci. I let her pick out a rideon toy and Let her go with Bubbie". Dr.Lindsay said"Do you take her out when she's little like to a mall or a store"? Yelena said"Well I took her to the park a couple days ago but I haven't taken her out to a store or the mall cause I'm afraid people will say something mean to her". Dr.Lindsay said"When's big,You allow her to go with Clint"? Yelena said"Yes. He's responsible with her and if anyone messes her,He'll say to guy 'You Mess with my Family,You mess with me'. Clint doesn't put with people messing with Natasha,she's his little sister as much as mine. He's known Natasha since he was 2". Dr.Lindsay said"Good to know. So does use the potty? Must Littles that young where some type of diaper or pull-up". Yelena said"She's in a pull-up but she uses it as a diaper". Dr.Lindsay said"Ok. So does Natasha pick out her dress or outfit"? Yelena said"I usually let her pick but if she doesn't pick it then I'll pick it out". Dr.Lindsay said"Thats good. Let's go over to Natasha Now". Dr.Lindsay unlatched the gate. Yelena saw that Natasha didn't play with too many toys except her kitty and the doll. Dr.Lindsay said"She did even play with any toys". Yelena said"When we're at home she'll make a huge mess. We went to friends house a few days ago and she only played with 2 toys. She is very careful about what she plays with weather its a doll,a stuffie,a train track or cars". Dr.Lindsay said"Why do you think that is"? Yelena said"I don't know". Dr.Lindsay said"It's because she's scared of doing something wrong when you're at a friend's house and she doesn't know what to do when you're not there with her. That's something we can work on. So I'm gonna set out some toys and you're gonna be on the opposite side of the playroom". Yelena went on the opposite side of the playroom. Natasha cried. Dr.Lindsay said"Natasha,Look at the toys. Do you want to play"? Natasha said"Sissy"!! Dr.Lindsay said"Hey,Look at this". Dr.Lindsay picked up a toy and pushed a bottom. Natasha watched the toy light up. Dr.Lindsay said"With some toys,games or outside play at a friends house is a good way to distract her from noticing that you or Bubbie aren't in there with her". Yelena said"Do you think it could be Anxiety based"? Dr.Lindsay said"Yes. For Littles who are this young it is Anxiety Based. Even if you're at a friend's house she will become attached to her Sissy or her bubbie so have her friend or her friends caretaker to try and get her engaged in an Activity". Natasha held up a plastic shape. Dr.Lindsay said"Shape". Natasha didn't speak. Dr.Lindsay said"What's this"? Natasha said"Shwape". Dr said"Good Job"! Yelena said"Good Girl,You learned a New word"! Dr.Lindsay said"I'm gonna write done some notes real quick then we'll be done here". Yelena said"Ok". Dr.Lindsay wrote a Note about how to help Natasha with Anxiety and gave it to Yelena. Dr.Lindsay said"I'll see you guys in a couple weeks". Yelena said"Ok. Thank you. C'mon baby". Yelena picked her up and carried her to the car. Back at Home... Natasha was in her Nursery play with her doll house.

With her frozen toys

Natasha was having fun. Yelena said"What're you doing sweetie"? Natasha said"Plwaying". Yelena said"Baby tomorrow We're going to mall with Bubbie". Natasha said"Twoys"? Yelena said"Of course sweetie,You were very good at the Doctor's today". Yelena said"Do you wanna sit in the rocker and have a snack"? Natasha nodded. Yelena took her into the living room. Natasha sat down on the rocker and pointed to the TV. Yelena said"Words,Baby. Use your words sweetie". Natasha shook her head and kept pointing to the TV. Yelena said"Sweetie,you need to use your words". Natasha started to cry. Yelena said"Ok baby,Shh. Hey you're ok. *Turns on the TV* Which one do you wanna watch"? Natasha pointed to Cinderella. Yelena put it on. Natasha cuddled her kitty as she watched the movie. Yelena said"Do you want Crackers or Puffs"? Natasha didn't respond. Yelena brought it to her so she could let her pick. Natasha pointed to the puffs. Yelena said"How Many"? Natasha held up her hands,Indecating she wants ten. Yelena said"Ok,Sweetie". Yelena poured the Puffs into a bowl and gave it to Natasha. Yelena said"Hey baby,Why don't we get Changed in some clothes"? Natasha reached up. After changing Natasha... Yelena laid Natasha back on the rocker. The rest of the day Natasha watched Princess Movies till she was asleep. Yelena was putting away the dishes while Clint was shopping.

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