Chapter 6

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As you and Prince Kaminari Denki was walking through the garden the queen was watching the both of you. The queen becoming more and more annoyed by the second. She stormed off into her mirror room and looked around, closed the door and walked in more.

"Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?"

The mirror in front of her and the mirrors surrounding her did the same thing as always they made 3D like reflections of her and said back "you are, you are the fairest of them all." Which made the queen happy again.

However what she didn't know was that she getting less and less liked by people and instead you was gaining the attention of the people.

As you walking around the garden you and Prince Kaminari was walking around the garden. "So do you not like your mom Princess?" He asked you.

"She's alright. But she always lectures me over the smallest of things." You spoke back.

"Yeah that's what it's like with mother's thought right? They always lecture you over the smallest things." Denki spoke.

(I don't actually know if that's true my mom left when I was a baby because of certain incidents so I'm guessing)

You gave a small laugh at what he said and nodded your head agreeing with him. You walked around the garden with him unknowing the queen is still watching you both. As the two was getting along she kept on getting angrier and angrier with you.

The queen wasn't happy and wanted to split you and the price up at this point. So that's what she done she got the guards and told them to take you to your room to get ready for dinner. Once the guards did that Denki was left alone. But he wouldn't be alone for long. He waited for you to return so stayed put.

"Are you enjoying your time here?" The queen walked from the corner.

He looked at her and bowed some when she came closer to her. "Yes your highness. I am thank you." He responded.

She smiled and nodded some when she saw him stand up straight again she looked at him. "I'm sorry about Y/N sometimes she can be a bit childish." The queen apologized to him.

"I didn't really notice. She seemed like a nice and kind girl to me." He said.

Unknowing to him that made the queen annoyed. She could tell they were getting close to eachother already so she had to do something. And quick.

She took her mirror and threw it into the sky when he wasn't looking. Little shards of the mirror came raining down. And some of it was caught in Denki's eye. However what the queen wanted to happen was something different to what was going to happen.

"Ah! What was that?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"What was what?" The queen asked him.

Denki didn't answer her and instead tried to get whatever hit his eye out. His eye started to hurt and kept trying and trying. However the glass that went in his eye went deeper and deeper in. He cried a bit since it hurt a lot. The queen was smiling as she witnessed the glass going into his eye.

Now there was only two things to do, she has to get Denki to like her and get Y/N gone. And knowing the queen she knows how to do that..

I'm really sorry for not updating this story! I've been super busy. Thanks for reading everyone I will try and finish this book as fast as I can do I can move onto the next one.

Bye for now

To be continued!

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