Chapter 9

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The queen was looking at you through her mirror, she saw you cleaning and helping the seven men. She looked so annoyed and irritated as you was still alive. "That incompetent idiot! I told him not to fail and what did he do?! Fail!" She spoke annoyed.

She moved into a room and started to make something in there. "When you have to do something, might as well do it yourself." She spouted.

She dunked the apple in the poison that she made and made it look like a normal apple, as red as blood she smirked and looked at her creation more. "Beautiful." She whispered and put it in a basket she picked up green apples so she could tell which apple is the poison one.

She looked in the mirror again and smiled to her self.

Meanwhile with you you was helping tidying up and making everything clean. Your smile never left your face and you even cooked for them you plated it and sat down with them all. "Thank you guys for letting me stay again!" You said happily to them.

"Your so welcome princess!" Midoriya said to you.

You looked at them all and started to eat. "Princess later we have to go out so you'll be on your own." Kirishima said.

You looked at him and nodded your head with a smile on your face. "Okay, that's no problem." You said to them.

"What we mean princess is that because you'll be on your own so don't open the door to anyone no matter what." Iida said to you.

You looked at him and nodded your head at his words you know what he meant because the queen is after you, you need to be very careful and if your not it could end badly.

Sooner or later they left the house and left you alone. You looked around and saw that everything was clean and put away tidy. You smiled, I know I'll go and get some berries to make a pie!

You got up and walked over to the door and opened it there stood a old lady with a basket. You looked at her and became confused. "Um can I help you ma'am?" You asked her.

She looked at you with a smile on her face eyes looking into yours. "I was wondering if you wanted to to have some apples? I'm going through different doors." She spoke in a sweet voice.

You stepped back sweat dropping some. "I'm sorry ma'am. I ain't suppose to talk to strangers." You spoke to her.

She smiled more and nodded her head at you. "That's a very sensible thing to do." She spoke still smiling and held out a red apple. "but I promise you I ain't doing nothing. I grew these apples myself and I wanted to share with you!" The old lady said to you.

You looked at her and smiled at her as she said that to you. "If that's the case ma'am how could I refuse your request?" You asked her. You took the apple and bit into it and swallowed it. You started to feel weird and dizzy. "W-whats going on?" You managed to speak before you fell to the ground.

Collapsed on the floor.

And one more chapter left! Almost done! Yay!

Thanks for reading guys.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Bye for now

To be continued!

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