A place to call home.

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F/F = Favorite food
F/D = Favorite Drink

After a bit of walking, you and spamton found a restaurant to eat at before you continue looking for a an apartment.
The restaurant was called "Cyber Grill". You and spamton walked in and got a table. Soon enough, a waitress came with menus.
"So uhh...what are you gonna get?"
"Ah ok."
"I'm probably gonna get F/F "
You and spamton sat in silence for a moment 
*YOU UH...LOOK [[Nice!]] TODAY...
Your face heated up a bit and your cheeks where a light shade of pink.
"Uh...thank you spamton...!"
you put up your menu to cover up your face.
*you look cute when your flustered.
He said in a softer tone.
Your face is now bright red and you let out a nervous laughter.
After a little while you guys ordered and then at in a comfortable silence.
You paid for the food and you and spamton left the restaurant.
"So uh...nice weather we're having..."
"Yeah I guess you're right.."
You and spamton continue to walk for about 20 minutes until you stop to see a sing that reads "Cyber Apartment"
(I don't know how apartments work so just pretend they got the apartment and stuff and now their walking in)
"Wow this looks nice!"
You notice something though.
One bed. Again. But at least there's an actual couch this time!
"So uh..who's taking the couch?"
"I guess you can have the couch this time since I slept on the floor last time..."
It's getting super late so you start heading to your room and change into some pajamas you had bought a couple days ago and get under your covers.

You where slowly starting to fall asleep until you heard your door slowly creek open and you turned to see what it was.
It was...spamton??

*hey uh...[[Y/N]]?
"Yes spamton..?"
*I uh...can't really [[Sleep]]...
"Oh...I'm sorry about that..."
You where so tired so you didn't really know what to do but you certainly didn't expect what he said next.
*could I uh... [[Sleep]] with...you..?
You where so lucky that the lights where off otherwise spamton would see how red your face was.
*sorry if your [[Not Comfortable]] with that... I can go back to the [[Couch]] if you want...
"N-no....it's fine...you can sleep in the bed with me.. I don't mind..."
*hey uh...[[Y/N]]..?
*thank you...for uh...[[Everything]]...
"It's no problem spamton...now come make yourself comfy"
Spamton slowly walked over to the bed and got under the covers with you.

You suddenly felt an arm wrap around you and you felt your face heat up a ton but you started to drift to sleep anyways.


Your eyes flutter open only to see spamtons face right in front of yours and you had both been cuddling the whole night. Your face turned bright red and you quickly turned around. The sudden movement woke up spamton and you both sat up and looked at each other. Your face was still bright red and you tried to hide it but spamtom already noticed.
*aw your all flustered...why's that my [[Little Sponge]]...
He said in a deep raspy tone due to just waking up.
"I UH...It's nothing..."
*you sure...~?
You where even redder than before.
"YEP! HA...HA..."
*what didn't expect to see me right when you woke up...?

WOO 606 WORDS!!!! MY LONGEST CHAPTER!! I hope you guys liked this chapter I'm sorry it took so long I kept getting distracted BUT ITS HERE NOW!! ALSO THANK YOU FOR MORE THAN 1K READS I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!

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