Movie night!

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It's a Saturday so you don't have to go to work and instead you stay at home with spamton. You guys chat for about an hour until your stomach grumbles and you figure you should probably eat something.
"Hey spamton?"
*YES [[Y/N]]?
"I'm gonna go to the store will you be ok on your own?"
"Ok good! I'll be back soon!"
You smile at him, then you're on your way.

As you're walking to the store, all you can think of is spamton. There's just something about him. He's charming in his own special way and you loved that. You felt a special connection with him despite only being friends for the past week. Was it love...?
No no that's crazy!
How could you love a man you just met?
You try and shake these thoughts from your head as you start approaching the store but they still linger in the back of your mind.
'Ok I need to get some snacks for the house and maybe some clothes for me and spamton.'
You thought to yourself.

As soon as you've got some food, you start heading over to the clothing section and see if you can find anything comfortable to wear around the house, and some clothes to go out in. You also found some things you thought spamton would like. You then go check out and leave the store.

On the walk back home though, those thoughts that you had mainly forgotten about had come back into mind.
Maybe you really where in love with him.
Maybe you wanted to be something more than friends.

What if he thought the same...?

You try to shake all the thoughts from your head again but no matter what you did, they wouldn't go away.

'You're being stupid y/n he would never think about you like this! Not this soon...'
You thought to yourself.

Eventually, you approached the front door of your apartment and you unlocked the door.

You saw spamton sitting on the couch with wet hair as he watched TV.
"Hey spamton!"
*OH! HELLO [[Y/N]]!
You went to put down your groceries.
"I got you some things!"
You pulled out the clothes you had bought spamton and showed him.
He had a genuine smile on his face.
You loved when he was happy. It made you happy as well!
"Aw it's nothing I just thought you might want something comfy to wear to bed and stuff since all you have is that suit you always wear!"
Though he looked nice in his suit, it did need to be washed and it was probably uncomfortable to sleep in.
"Do you wanna go change right now so I can wash that suit of yours?"
You throw him some clothes and he runs into the bathroom to change. When he came out, he looked super happy with the clothes you gave him.
*THESE ARE [[Great Deals!]] THANK YOU [[Y/N]]!
You smiled at him.
"Sooo what now?"
"Ooo! How about we watch a movie?"
*SOUNDS [[Fun!]]

Spamton walks over and sits on the couch right next to you. He was sitting pretty close. You felt your face heat up a little.

"Not sure yet actually...we can look though!"

You and spamton looked for a movie to watch for about five minutes until you found one that you where both interested in. You quickly made some snacks, then pressed play and you and spamton both sat in silence while watching for a bit.

The same thoughts you where having earlier that day can back into your head. You spaced out thinking for a minute until you felt a hand touch your shoulder.

*Watcha thinking about [[Y/N]]?
Spamton said.
*don't be [[Silly]], I know that tone...what where you thinking about [[Darling]]...
Your face was almost bright red.
Spamton chuckled to himself a little.
*your so cute.
You covered your face with your hands but that quickly changed when spamton moved them.
*aw come on don't hide that [[Beautiful]] face of yours [[Darling]]!
You where as red as a tomato.
At this point he was just teasing you. You do have to admit though, he was good at it. And you loved it.

*you like when I tease you don't you?

Ok he definitely knows what he's doing

You sat there for a second

You mumbled

*could you [[Speak up!]] a little bit?
Spamton was blushing a little bit himself


*Ha! Knew it!

"Shut up..."

Spamton started getting closer to you. You where flustered as hell already and this made it worse. He started putting your hair behind your ear and held your face up so that your eyes met his.

*your eyes are beautiful [[Y/N]]...

You where speechless just staring into his glasses.

*cat got your tongue [[Darling]]...

You couldn't believe this was happening.

You managed to mumble.

Spamton leaned into your face a little more. Both your lips where just centimeters away from touching.

You didn't want to wait any longer

You leaned in and you both shared a long, tender, loving kiss.

He then pulls you in to cuddle and you both eventually fall asleep.

915 WORDS WOOO LONGEST CHAPTER YET! I also think this ones the best lol I hope you guys enjoyed that.
(Next chapter might be smut. Or the chapter after that. One of those I've decided. ALSO SLIGHT FACE REVEAL IN THE MORNING! OK NOW BYE!

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