New Perspective

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Song: New Perspective- Radnor

"Marie" my mother said knocking in what's about to be my old room.
"Marie cmon you've been in there for an hour we need to leave already."
"Marie hiding isn't gonna stop us from moving"

"It's not hiding if you know where I'm at" I said opening my door.
"Oh look she's back" my mother said with a smile. I replied with a fake smile.
"Oh cmon it won't be that bad just think about it this way, new school, new friends, new life!" she exclaimed. I really don't know why parents think that we could just make friends by the snap of a finger, I was barely making friends at my current-well soon to be old school and I've been here for almost 3 years.

After we packed the rest of the boxes in the car we were off to New South Wales.
Throughout the drive I'd been dealing with the anxiety of starting a new school, how am I going to make new friends, what if they're learning something that I don't know yet, where am I going to sit at lunch?!

"Marie!" my mom said snapping me out of it.
"Yea?" I asked
"Are you okay? you seem to be breathing heavily, what's wrong?" she asked
"I don't know just worried for my new school I guess" I said picking at my finger nails.
"Okay first of all how many times have I told you to stop doing that"she said pointing at my fingers, making me stop from picking at my nails

"And second of all don't be so nervous, you said it yourself you hated life in Melbourne, well this is your new start and about school don't be scared, you're going to do great I just know it, I mean you're smart, you're funny, you're pretty and you only have moi to thank" she said playfully flipping her short brown hair back.

Not going to lie her reply did make me laugh a little but what does she know about making friends in this generation, from her generation nobody really cared about how many likes on Instagram they got or how many followers they gained everyone was just social and my mother was prom Queen she has no idea how hard it is making friends in a new school nowadays because she was always so popular...I wish it was still that easy.

9 hours later and we arrived to New South Wales, it was only 3 in the afternoon and as soon as I got out the car I felt a warm breeze hit my face, I've always loved this type of weather.
We were both taking boxes out the car until my mom's phone rang.

"Hello, oh" she stopped
"Sweetie can you help with the rest this is work" she whispered towards me.
"Yea sure" I replied rolling my eyes but my mom was already inside the house.
I sighed while grabbing one of the boxes, until something or someone caught my eye.

It was a boy.
He had dirty blonde hair in a quiff kind of style, he had a black lip ring with piercing blue eyes but he looked sad or worn out he walked with his head down. I'm guessing that my gaze made him have the feeling of being stared at because he turned his head towards my direction but I moved away quickly before he could see my face.

The time flew by and it was already 9 pm and tomorrow was my first day of school, I just know that I'm going to have so much trouble falling asleep tonight ugh! why does my anxiety always tend to creep up on me.

New Kid///LUKE HEMMINGSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang