Marie, will you be my fake girlfriend?

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I watched how Luke was texting Candace and how Marie was just gazing sadly at him.
"How can't he see it?"
"How can who not see what?" Mikey asked throwing a french fry into his mouth.
"Luke, how can't he see that-"
Hold up Calum. Remember what you promised Marie.

"H-how he can't see that his hair hair looks awful today"
"Luke!" Mikey exclaimed, getting Luke's attention.
"Calum said your hair looks like shit"
"Ouch" he said putting his hand to his heart.
Marie giggled.

Screw her cute giggles.
I felt Ashton nudge his arm on my shoulder.
"You're staring" he whispered.
"I don't know what your talking about"
"Calum it's pretty obvious"
"Shut up will you?"
"Your mean" he pouted.

"Hey Calum" Marie said moving to the seat next to me.
She's really making it hard for me not to like her.
"Hey Marie"
"Sorry Candace just called Luke and I don't want to hear that" she gave a sad smile.

"Aww it's gonna be okay"
"Yea I know, thanks for helping me Cal" she said hugging me.
"Awww look at the two love birds" Ashton said, getting everyone at the tables attention, especially Luke.....

Especially Luke....
I've got an idea!
"You guys are dating?" Luke asked.
"Oh we're no-"
"Yes, yes we are" I interrupted Marie putting my arm around her shoulder.

"Hold on Candace I need to call you later" Luke hung up.
"A-and when did this happen?" He asked.
"Last night, asked her out and she said yes."

The bell rang.
"Well lunch is over, cmon babe let's get to 6th" I started walking off with Marie still around my arm.
This felt nice.
She backed away.
And now the feeling was gone.

"What was that?"
"I've got an idea"
"What is it?"
"We make Luke jealous"
"We date.....or pretend we're dating "

"Cal I don't know about this"
"Did you not see the look on his face when I said we're dating"
"He looked so jealous, he even hung up the phone on Candace"
"You're right, he did"

"So? Marie will you be my fake girlfriend?"
Please say yes.
"Sure" she smiled.
I love her smile.

-after school-


Oh no.
I've just come to the realization that I told Luke I didn't want to be with him because I'd just met him but I started 'dating Calum'

I heard my phone chime.
It was Luke.
L: so you and Calum huh?
M: yea
L: why?
I don't know why.
M: I like him
L: I thought you said you were being cautious of who you date? plus you just met Calum too
I had to think of a lie.
M: No I didn't, I knew him wayyy before
L: Really?
M: yea we used to play club penguin together when we were younger, and we had became online friends.

I'm a bad liar.

M: Luke I'm sorry I didn't tell you at the treehouse
L: Marie if you wanted to be with Calum instead of me, you could've just said so
M: I know I just didn't want to see you hurt
L: it's fine, I've got Candace now.
M: that's great, you asked her out?
L: yea she said yes!
M: that's good Luke
L: yea, well I'll text you later, I'm gonna call Candace.
M: okay

How could I be so fucking dumb.

I need to get out of here, I need to go somewhere to think.
And I know just where to go.

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