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TW: mention of SH


"Hey I've got a question" Luke said pulling out the earbud he was using.
"Yea" I said.
"Are you doing anything after school?" He asked looked down while he played with his earbud.
"Ummmm no" I said.
"Why?" I asked.

"Well I'm not busy after school and I don't want to be bored at home" he said.
"So you only asking me to hang out with me because you're bored" I said.
"Uh- n-no I didn't mean it like that" he said nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Luke I was just kidding" I said laughing.
"Oh" he said laughing along.
"So I wanted to hang out somewhere, if that's okay with you" he said.
"Sure" I said with a smile.
Luke smiled back at me before putting the earbud back in his ear.


I started walking outside of school to the parking lot.
"Marie!" I heard Luke yell.
"Hey, I was looking for you" I said.
"Oh sorry I just got out" he said.
"It's fine, you don't have to apologize" I said.
"Well you ready?" He asked.
"Yea, where's your car?" I asked.
"Don't have one yet" he said.

"Then how are we getting there" I asked
"It seems like such a beautiful day outside" he said.
"Noooo! I'm not in the mood to walk" I whined.
I was never really an active type of person, unless I felt like it but today was not one of those days.

"Oh cmon don't be lazy, let's go!" He said clapping his hands.
I sighed.
"This place better be amazing" I said catching up to him.
"Where are we going anyways?" I asked.
"That's for me to know and for you to figure out" he said.

"Oh cmon seriously?" I asked.
"Yea, it's a surprise" he said.
"Well can I least ask why you're taking me to this secret place?" I asked.
"Because it's my special place" he said smiling at me.

Why was he taking me to his special place?
Does anyone else know about this place?
I'm probably not the only girl he took to this place huh?

"Marie?" He said waving his hands in front of my eyes.
"Yea?" I asked.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked.
Should I tell him?

I sighed.
"Luke have you taken anyone else to your special place?" I asked looking down.
I quickly picked up my head.
"Yea, you'd be the first person I'm showing this place to"

"But why me?"
"Uhhh because you're new here and I uh just wanted to show you how beautiful it is here"
I thought it was because you liked me.


"But why me?"
Because it's you.
"Uhhh because you're new here and I uh just wanted to show you how beautiful it is here"
Was that really all I could say????
That didn't sound good.
Does she think that I took her here for another reason?
"Well looks like we're here" I said.
"Follow me."


A treehouse.
That's his special place.
I followed him up the ladder.

"Welcome to my special place." He said.
"It's beautiful"
It really was beautiful.
It was decorated with these beautiful lights.

"You really think so?""Yea I love the lights and everything""That's good, oh and btw if you ever need somewhere to go, just know you're always welcome to come here""Thanks Luke" I smiled

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"You really think so?"
"Yea I love the lights and everything"
"That's good, oh and btw if you ever need somewhere to go, just know you're always welcome to come here"
"Thanks Luke" I smiled.
He smiled back at me.

"Well make yourself at home. Mi casa es tu casa"
I cringed.
"Sorry I was never good at Spanish."
I laughed.
"So want to watch something?" He asked.
I looked around me.

"On what?"
"Don't worry, I brought my laptop." He said taking his laptop out of his backpack.
"How I Met Your Mother"
"You read my mind."

"Legend-wait for it- dary" we both said.
Finally! Someone I can quote How I Met Your Mother with.
"Hey who's your favorite character?" He asked.
"Hmmm probably Robin"
"I knew it"
"What? How?"
"I don't know, you seem like a Robin type of girl"

"I mean I guess your right"
"I've always planned to be like her when I got older, y'know living in my own apartment with 5 dogs"
"Ahh so you're a dog person huh?"
"Yea, I mean cats are cool too but I've lived my whole life with dogs"
"Me too" he said looking at me.

"It's so beautiful outside" I said.
He was still looking at me.
I don't even think he looked at the beautiful view in front of us, he was just staring at me.

He leaned in fast.

I backed up.
Why did I do that?
"Oh sorry" he said scratching the back of his neck.
"I'm just tired, aren't you tired? It's getting pretty late." He started talking fast.

"You need to calm down" i said laughing.
He started taking deep breaths.
"It's fine"

Now it got weird and quiet.

"You still there?" I asked waving my hands in front of his face.
"Yea" he sighed.

Don't get me wrong I do like Luke but we had just met not that long ago and I wasn't really ready to be brought into another relationship.
"Um I think we should leave now" he said standing up.
"Luke, please" I said looking up at him.
"I-I'm sorry, it's just that we just met and now I'm being cautious of who I date ever since my last relationship...." I said.

He looked back at me.
"What happened?" He asked sitting down beside me.
"If you don't mind me asking, I'm sorry"
"Umm no it's fine"
"Well last year I had a boyfriend, Dylan, and before we started off as friends, then we realized we both had feelings for each other and we started dating."

I was about to cry.
"It started out amazing but then 3 months into the relationship he wanted to have sex, but I told him that I wasn't ready for that, so he got really angry and stormed out."
Now I could feel my tears falling down.
"The next day at school, he started a rumor about me, saying that I practically begged him to have sex with me"

Luke scooted closer and started to comfort me.
"Throughout the rest of my time at my school, I was known as the school's slut"
"They even started making posts about me online"
"All because I didn't want to have sex with him"
"Marie I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve that"
I started crying uncontrollably.

"I've never told anyone that"
"Really?" He asked.
"Yea, well just my mom, because I had to"
"Did she find the online posts about you?"
"No" I said nodding my head.
"Sh-she caught cutting in my room one day"
"I hated that day so much, I hated how much I hurt her, how much I hurt myself" I said breaking down.

Luke just pulled me closer.
"Hey, hey, hey it's okay, you don't have to deal with that anymore not as long as I'm here" he said brushing his hand down my hair.
It was very comforting.

I fell asleep in his arms.

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