Coming over

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The first week of school went by pretty fast and if I'm being honest it was actually a good week, I don't think that I've ever loved going to school this much...ew gross did I just say that I love school?

*buzz buzz*
I grabbed my phone to check who was calling me

"Dude just ask her out" Michael said sitting upside down on the couch.
"Y'know you shouldn't really sit like that" I said
"Stop trying to change the subject" he said changing his sitting position.

"Mate, just do it, Marie's pretty nice so she definitely won't be mean about it if she did turn you down" Ashton said.

"You guys I don't even like her! she's just a friend!" I said
"Sureeee" Calum said
"I'm serious " I said.

"Mate it's been like what? 6 months since Vivian, you have to get over her" Calum said.
"Yea Calum's right" Michael kept bugging.
"Guys can we not put her into this? please" I said.

"Well going out with someone else will help you get over her" Michael said.
"It doesn't even have to be a date it could just be like a little get together between two friends" Ashton said.

"I-I don't know, what if she's busy guys" I said.
"Well then this is why you ask if she's busy before" Michael said.
"Come on you've got this" cal and ash started chanting.

"Fine! I'll do it" I said grabbing my phone and searching Marie's number
"Hey Marie"
"Oh hey Luke, what's up?" She said
"Uh I was just wondering if you're doing anything to-today?" I asked fidgeting with my lip ring.

"Uh, nope" she said
"Did you want to hang out?" She asked.
"Oh uh"
"Oh I'm sorry you must be busy" she said
"No! No I'm not" I said
"Oh okay so did you want to hang out?" She asked
"Yea sure" I answered
"Okay well I'll text you my address" she said
"Okay cool bye" I said hanging up.
"So what'd she say?" Michael asked
"She said yes" I said

I ran upstairs to my room but accidentally tripped over one step
"Fuck" I said running towards my room.
I started scanning my closet.
Wait.... What if he's doing this just to sleep with me? What if he's just using me?
I'm so stupid. I flopped on my bed.
I quickly called Luke.

"Hey Luke sorry but I need to cancel" I sighed
"Oh uh is everything okay?" He asked
"Yea it's just that my aunt called last minute asking me to babysit my cousin" I lied
"Oh that's cool, if you want I could help" he said.

"No!" I shouted
"Uh sorry it's just that he's sick and I don't want you getting sick" I lied again.
"Oh.....okay" he said.
"Okay bye I'll see you at school" I said
"Yea see you at school" he said in a sad tone.
I feel so bad.

To help my guilt go away I decided to watch my favorite tv show How I Met Your Mother, it always helps me feel better but not this time

*buzz* *buzz*
I checked my phone to see who messaged me
Samuel: hey is it cool if I come over?
Oh no why me?
I texted back.
Samuel: oh well I'm bored and I locked myself out my house
Well I can't be rude and not offer him somewhere to go
Marie: sure!
I texted him my address.

~15 Minutes later~
I heard the doorbell ring.
I opened the door and saw Samuel
"Hey" he said waving.
"Sorry I'm an idiot for locking myself out, so sorry if I ruined your plans" he said.

"Oh no it's fine, I didn't have plans today anyways" I said.
"Really? but it's Saturday" he said
"Well I did with Luke but then I remembered what you said and I just canceled them" I said.
"Oh hood that dudes nothing but trouble" he said.

"So do you want to watch a movie or a show?" He asked.
"Well I'm kind of into How I Met Your Mother right now" I said.
"Oh do you wanna watch that then?" He asked.
"Yea" I said.

~30 minutes later~
"Legend- wait for it- dary" I said quoting Barney, but Samuel didn't seem to laugh.
*knock* *knock*
Wonder who that is.

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