Please Take Me Home

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Song: Please Take Me Home- Blink 182
I couldn't pay attention to whatever Mrs.Johnson was teaching all I could pay attention to was Marie. Only because she was humming music very loudly so it was difficult to pay attention......
While everyone else is doing their assignments I'm just staring at her as she works and hums to her music...wait a minute. I think I know that song.

"Psst" I whisper to her but she doesn't hear me. I gently shake her arm.
"Are you listening to Please Take Me Home?" I asked.

"Yea I love Blink 182" she said with a smile
"Real- really?" I asked surprised
"Yea did you not notice my shirt?" She asked pointing at the letter of her shirt.
"Oh shit no I guess I didn't sorry" I said
"It's okay" she said with a smile

"I went to see them in concert last year" she said
"Really? that's cool" I said.
"Do you want to listen too?" She asked
"Uh- ye-yea" I stuttered
She moved her desk closer to mine and gave me her left ear bud.

Okay now we were close...really close,
I nervously smile at her then get back to doing my work.


3rd period came by fast and I had Luke in this class!
But as I scanned the room I couldn't spot him, oh well I guess he'll just sit beside me once he comes. I waited to see him walk through the doors but I still didn't see hi-

I turned my head to see a boy my age with dark hair.
"Um h-hi" I said slightly waving.
"You new?" he asked
"Mhm" I nodded
"Oh cool, so what's your name?" He asked
"Marie" I replied
"Oh beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he said with a smile.

"I'm Samuel but my friends call me Sam" he said.
I just nodded.
"So you're pretty quiet huh?" He asked
"Yea I'm just shy" I said
"Yea me too" he agreed.

Ugh! This is so weird, where's Luke?
"Who are you waiting for?" He asked looking at the door.
"Um just a friend, I don't know if you know him, his name is Luke" I said
"Oh yea I know Luke" he said
"He's always skipping this class though" he said rolling his eyes.

"What?" I asked
It's not that I have a problem with people skipping class, it's just that Luke seemed like he wasn't the type to skip.
"Yea he's always skipping" he said
"And being honest he only skips because he fuckin some random girl" he whispered to me

"Huh?" I asked in confusion.
This dude can't be serious.
"Yea believe it or not Luke Hemmings is a fuckboy" he said.
"So you better watch out because this whole 'I'm an innocent boy' is just part of his act to get into girls pants" he said.

I couldn't believe it. Was Luke really just doing this act so he could play me?
"Oh I'm sorry but I had to tell you, I couldn't let him do that to a pretty girl like you" he said putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.
I blushed.

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