I Saw You In A Dream

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Song: I saw you in a dream-The Japanese Dream
~6 am~
I woke up to the blaring sound of my phone alarming me to wake up. I lazily got up and went to my closet to get my clothes for the day.

I picked out my favorite Blink 182 shirt that I bought when I saw them in concert last year with some ripped skinny jeans and my checkered vans. I went to my new bathroom to straighten my hair which really takes like 40 minutes to straighten my brown wavy hair.

Once I finished straightening my hair, I brushed my teeth because I don't really eat breakfast since it hurts my stomach. I ran downstairs to say my goodbyes to my mother and started walking to school but as soon as I got out my house I saw the same boy from yesterday, still walking slowly with his head down, guess he's not a morning person either.

I started arguing with myself debating if I should talk to him but it was too late a boy with red hair in a black car stopped by the boy and before I knew it they both disappeared.


Once I arrived to my new school I felt my anxiety rushing
"Deep breaths Marie, deep breaths" I whispered to myself as I started walking up the steps into school.

As soon as I walked in there were teenagers everywhere and like MCR teenagers scare the living shit out of me, okay ew gross bad pun, bad pun.

"Excuse me" one of the teachers said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Are you lost?" she asked
"I- uh- I'm new" I stuttered.
"Okay well the front office is that way" she said pointing to the right direction

"You can get your schedule there" she said
"Okay thank you" I said walking to the front office.
"Excuse I'm new" I said
"Oh you must be Marie Williams" she said
"Garcia, actually m-my parents got divorc-"
"Okay listen I don't need to hear your sob story here's your schedule" she interrupted me handing me my schedule

"Okay thank you" I said with a smile
"Whatever" she replied
"Bitch" I muttered under my breath as I walked away.

As I walked out the front office I saw that boy again and it looks like someone was yelling at him, once I got closer I saw a boy with fair skin and black hair pushing the boy.

"Whoops looks like you dropped something" he said as he smacked down the blonde boy's books. The black haired boy then walked away with his crew laughing at the blonde boy.
I hurriedly made my way towards the blonde boy and bent down to help him pick up his books.


Why? out of all people why does Nathan choose to pick on me? I started muttering curses under my breath while I picked up my books from the ground until I saw small tan hands all over my books.
I looked up and saw her. I swear I saw a bright light gleam on her once I looked up it was like I saw an angel with tan skin, long straight brown hair, and those beautiful brown eyes.

Wait! Luke snap out of it, you can't like her! but I couldn't stop staring at her.
I swear I saw her in a dream before.
She giggled as she noticed how long I was staring at her but what made things even better is when she giggled she had dimples! Stop looking at her!

"Are you okay?" she asked with her voice in concern
"Uh- ye-yea" I stuttered, dammit Luke why do you always have to stutter.
"Umm I'm sorry that he did that" she said
"Oh no it's okay I'm used to it" I said getting myself up from the ground, I handed her my hand to help her up and she gladly took it which was weird because none of the girls here like me...she must be new.She started to walk away but I made the decision to catch up to her.

"So are you new here?" I've never seen you around here" I said
"Yup I'm new" she said with a smile
"Oh cool do you like it here so far?" I asked which was stupid since school hasn't even started yet... I mentally smacked my head.

"Well I don't know yet it's my first day" she giggled
"Oh well do you need help finding your classes?" I asked
"Umm yea do you happen to know where A12 is?" She asked passing me her schedule.
I quickly scanned her schedule and it seems like she has most of her classes with me, I gently smiled.


Oh, oh dimples! He's got dimples!
I stare at him as he scans through my schedule.
"Well, looks like we're in first period Algebra with Mrs.Johnson together" he said with a smile

"Really?" I asked excitedly
"Yea" he said
"Cool" I replied
"Well we're here" he said
"You can sit by me if you want" he said looking down shyly, I'm guessing that not that many people want to sit with him.

"Of course!" I said which lightened his face up
"Oh- okay I sit right here" he said happily pointing at his assigned seat. I took the seat on his left which was great because it was right by a window where I could see the brightly green grass and trees.

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