Can I choose the second one?

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TW: mention of SH scars


I gently picked up Marie and placed her on the bed.
I got some extra blankets and made a bed on the floor for me so she could have her own space.

"Marie go back to bed, you need sleep"
I whispered.
"C-can you lay here too?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yea I don't really want to be alone right now."
"Okay" I said getting up and laying down beside her.

"Night Luke" she said putting her head on my chest.
"Night Marie" I whispered.

It's been 30 minutes and I still can't sleep, not after what Marie had told me.
I looked down at the peaceful girl sleeping beside me.
She looked so beautiful.
I noticed her arm poking out her sleeve.
I saw them.
Her scars.

I wanted to cry just by the sight of them.
How could people be so cruel to this beautiful angel.
She didn't deserve that.
I tears coming down my cheek.
"I love you Marie" I whispered, kissing the top of her forehead.
She shuffled a bit but luckily she didn't wake up.


"I love you Marie"
I love you too Luke.
I knew he was crying and I knew why he was crying.
I shuffled a bit to hide my scars again so he couldn't see them anymore.


I woke up with my eyes puffy.
I gently got up from the bed so I couldn't wake Luke up.
I checked the time from my phone.
"Oh fuck!"
School! I was gonna be so late!

"Marie?" Luke asked waking up with his morning voice.
"Luke, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you"
"No it's fine I need to wake up anyways" he said with a yawn.
"What's wrong? Why did you scream?"
"It's 9:18 we overslept and now we're going to be late to school"

"Hey hey calm down" he said moving in front of me and putting his hands on my arms.
"Luke what are we gonna do?"
"What?" I asked laughing.
"We're gonna skip"
"No I can't"
"Marie it's not like it's a crime for missing one day of school"

"Okay so what if they call our parents what then?"
"Hmm didn't think of that"
"Oh my gosh Luke!" I started panicking.
"Hey hey I've got this under control."

"Why don't we just tell them the truth?" He asked
"Yea sure, 'hey mom sorry I didn't come home last night , I stayed the night at a boys place'" I said hysterically.
"Fine you didn't have to be so rude about it" he pouted.

I sighed.
"Luke I'm sorry, it's just that I'm not used to this"
"It's fine"
"Y know what I'll just have to tell my mom the truth, I hate lying to her." I said dialing my mom's phone.

"Hey mom"
"That's all you have to say? 'Hey mom'"
"I'm sorry?"
"When you get home you are so grounded"
"Mom look I'm really sorry"

"Help me!" I whispered to Luke putting my phone on mute so my mom couldn't hear.
"Hello Ms. Garcia?" He said taking the phone out my hand and putting my mom on speaker.
"Yea I just wanted to say that I'm the reason Marie didn't come home"

"You seem like a nice boy but I really hope that you don't mean what I think you mean"
"Huh? Oh no of course not I- we didn't do that"
"Then what happened?"
"Well I wanted to take Marie somewhere to hang and we kinda lost track of time, and I didn't want her going home alone that late so I let her stay over"

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