Chapter 9. Battle at Lowee, the northern hierarch candidates.

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Disclaimer I do not own the characters, only the oc. I hope and enjoy the chapter and sorry for my translation if something goes wrong, if you find errors you can send me a message to tell me where they are and then I will correct it.

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter.

After Shiro and Shirou saw Neptune with their friends, the two of them went as fast as possible to the basilicom to alert Blanc to the arrival of the Planeptune and Lastation CPUs.

"So they are here?" Blanc said looking at the twins.

"That's how blanc-nee-san is, they are most likely coming here." Shirou replied.

"Lady blanc, what do we do?" Mr Badd said.

"It is a very simple minister, it is a good time to crush them here and now," Blanc said.

"B-b-But it's 3 against one! Do you think you can win against them? "

"Do you think I'll lose!" Blanc said in a dangerous tone.

"Not! It's not that, it's just that! ".

"Shut your fucking mouth, you're saying I can't win against 3 CPU rookies!" Blanc roared with his eyes glowing red.

"Not! It's just that it's reckless to face three CPUs at the same time, and one of them is the male CPU ",

"Shut up! You will see that those three are nothing more than cannon fodder! "Blanc said.

"This is how they speak!", Shiro encouraged.

"We support you!" Shirou said smiling.

"Thank you for your support," Blanc smiled at the twins.

Although they have not been with them long, these two children have been very good company for her, although they make her very angry because of their antics, she has a lot of fun with the two twins. Since when she became a cpu she was left alone, since her family left, when her minister brought them in, these two filled that void that she felt and saw them as her little brothers that she never had.

Although she did not know the true intentions of the twins, Shiro was willing to follow the orders his older brother gave him although Shirou hesitated and wondered if they were really doing the right thing.

Since the two of them were born he always wondered, if they were really doing the right thing, of the candidates for hierarchies he was the kindest of all, always forgiving his opponents and letting them escape so he would not have to kill them, besides that he almost always depended of his twin brother to help him, apart from always supporting his twin and older brother, it was well known that candidates for hierarchies served ryo, but in themselves they only did it for their older brothers, but now he felt bad about what He would make blanc the person who welcomed them into his basilicom without thinking twice, but even if he didn't show it, his brother Shiro also questioned whether what he was doing was right.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here and watch me defeat those pathetic rookies cpu," Blanc said.

"As ordered by Lady Blanc," said Mr. Badd.

While with Neptune and his party.

They were walking through the interiors of Lowee's basilicom. Occasionally running into a few guards who tried to block their way, but it was nothing that the 3 CPUs and the tome couldn't handle, although what was strange to them was how few guards were trying to stop them.

In addition, they also faced strange creatures, which seemed to be small ice golems, who also tried to obstruct their path. But luckily Neptune along with Plutia and Noire defeated them very easily.

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