Chapter 31, origin part 2. (The beginning of the end).

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The cpus were sitting thinking about what the cpus of yesteryear said about if the 4 hierarchs decided to fight all together.

"Let's hope that Neptune remains arrogant enough to fight alone," said hyper-vert-

"I hope so, although the power of one of them was able to take us all down, I don't even want to think when the 4 fight together", said ultra-blanc.

"Yes, each one has its own strengths and very few weaknesses", said if, thinking of the 4 hierarchs.

"Let's not forget the candidates"; said hyper-noire.

"It's true, we may even fight them," said ultra-noire.

"yes, they are most likely more powerful now"; Selene said.

"It's true, they became very strong", said uni remembering how strong saru and the others were.

"the only one capable of facing them is nepgear who is at a similar level to them", said histoire.

"And what about us?!" Uni said, annoyed at not being taken into account.

"it's true! What about us?" ram said.

"yes", rom just looked at the tome.

"Well, it is true that you still have most of your forces even though you are no longer cpu chaos, but that does not put you at the level of the other candidates, nor that of nepgear", explained histoire.

"she is right, besides that they lost against them"; said yes.

Uni, rom and ram pouted and nepgear as nepgya tried to calm them down.

"we must find a way to strengthen them, although it is true that nepgear can fight alongside them, remember that they are 4 and if we count nepgya they are 2, they are still at a disadvantage"; said hyper-vert.

"it's true", said ultra-noire, "saru is powerful and if we want to defeat him uni as rom and ram must be stronger",

"Well, we'll think about something later, so long as we follow the life of my other self and discover its deepest secrets", said female Neptune smiling.

Nobody said anything and they nodded in agreement to continue with what they were doing before.

The 4 cpu of yesteryear said nothing and better showed more of the life of the 4 hierarchs.




"So this is Lastation onee-chan?"

"That's right Saturn",

Both Uranus and Saturn were walking through the busy streets of the land of black reality.

Everything seemed calm for the two, the people of Lastation only looked and whispered when they saw the goddess of Planeptune walking through the streets, but if you looked closer there were people who looked badly at the boy who apparently did not notice the looks and some Occasional whispers, but all of this was drowned out by the look the older woman cast at those people who were giving Saturn a dirty look and just kept quiet and averted their eyes in fear of angering the goddess.

When she saw that they looked away, she just sighed.

"I see that in all nations they hate the 4", said the Planeptune cpu sighing.



"We're here," Saturn said.

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