Chapter 27. The return of the worst of enemies.

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Disclaimer I do not own the characters only the oc, if there are misspellings let me know for future corrections.

days of the past





In Planeptune of the hyperdimension, more specifically in the basilicom where the goddess Uranus resided, a very heated discussion was taking place.

"Bitch how dare you do that to your own brother!"; roared Blake who was in his HDD form squeezing the neck of Uranus who was pinned to the wall by the same Lastation cpu.

"I-I didn't mean to! But the evidence was clear, plus the citizens who gave their testimony!"; Uranus said regretfully.

"You will believe the bastards who always wanted your brother dead!"; this time Bianca said angrily.

"I know that they are our citizens and we must protect them, but there is a limit, besides, he defended himself since they wanted to kill him," said Selena.

"How come they tried to kill him?" said Uranus.

"Why don't you tell her histoire?" Selene said showing histoire who was being held by the neck by Selene herself.

"histoire?", Uranus looked at his oracle, "what do you have to do with it?".

"The bastard bitch, was the one that started it all, the rumors, the attacks and assassination attempts on our brothers," Bianca said angrily.

"But why would you make it histoire?" asked Uranus surprised and angry at what Bianca said.

"I-I, I was scared, scared that tari's male cpu history would repeat itself," said histoire, "his candidates were born very powerful and a fear grew in me, I was afraid that they would become evil cpu.......but ......but"; histoire tried to explain.

"Damn larva! For that alone you condemned our brothers! Accept it , that was in the past, it wouldn't happen again!" Blake said, already exploding.

"I.......I'm sorry........ I accept all the blame............. I know he was not good at doing all that"; he said repentant histoire.

"After everything is done, our brothers are missing or even dead"; Selene said.

"shut! He's still there! That bitch must know where they are!" said Bianca not accepting that her little brother is dead.

"I know it was partly our fault that we didn't pay close attention the day they went missing," Blake said.

"but we thought Uranus would be more careful, but imagine we found out that the Planeptune candidate was jailed and beaten by his own sister but they've also been torturing him"; Bianca said angrily looking at Uranus.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know, I just attacked and imprisoned him", said Urano, now regretful of everything she said to her little brother. To the brother who betrayed and hurt.

"That's why we are here, I will take Saturn with me to Lastation to make him my candidate, I refuse that the last candidate dies, I also do it in memory of Neo, he would have wanted us to save Saturn"; Blake said.

"but is he my brother?"; I try to replicate Uranus.

"Do you think he sees you as his sister after what you did to him?", Selene looked at Uranus.

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