Chapter 20, links and more problems.

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Disclaimer I do not own the characters only of the oc, in case of spelling mistakes let me know for future corrections.

In a secret base of the seven sages, more specifically in a laboratory / workshop, were the 3 hierarchs, Snow, Ventus and Nereus together with Nepgeus and Mister Badd.

The latter had gone to see Nepgeo to fix his power suit that was destroyed in the fight against the cpu of leanbox and Planeptune, when they went to attack the nations.

The 5 were in front of two chained and unconscious noire and ram.

"Why did you bring them here?" Asked Mister Badd, curious as to why Nereus brought those two CPUs here.

"You already know about the defection of shiro and nic, right?" Ventus asked.

"Yeah, I never thought those brats would betray us," said Mister Badd.

"That was the reason I brought them in to fill that power vacuum," said nereus.

"Power vacuum? But did I think that with you it would be enough? "; Mister badd asked confused, even if two betrayed them with the remaining hierarchs it was more than enough, so he was confused that they said that.

"It is true that with us three it would be more than enough to take care of them, but we still have orders not to fight," said nereus. "That would only leave you to fight, along with Nepgeo and the 4 cpu chaos that are under our command, since that blonde, the leader of her group and that robot that I do not know if it is a man or a woman and the rat cannot fight, grandma is brain dead, the cfws have already been defeated, that screaming robot was apparently destroyed, so that just leaves you guys.

"I see, so they will turn them into those famous cpu chaos?" Asked the middle-aged man.

"that's how it is"; Nereus replied as a purple diamond-shaped crystal appeared in his hand that gave off dark energy. "With them we equalize their numbers, we also turn these cpu into cpu chaos since we want entertainment before the final plan begins," said Ventus smiling.

"So what you're doing now is for fun?" Said Mister Badd.

"That's right, it will be fun to see how these cpu will face their own friends, I want to see the expression of Neptune when he sees the girl he loves trying to kill him," said Snow smiling.

"Hm? So that's chaos energy? ........... It feels very powerful "; said Mister badd.

"In fact, this energy is very powerful"; Nepgeus said.

"By the way, do you also have that energy?" Mister badd asked curiously.

"The truth is we use stocks, although after what we did I don't think they are stocks anymore, " Ventus said.

"What did they do?" Asked Mr. Badd:

"Nothing unimportant, since it is past so there is no use in remembering it," Snow said.

Mister badd said nothing but kept asking.

"So where did they get that energy from?"

"That energy was discovered by my older brother Genesis," Nepgeo said.


"Yes, he was the hierarch of the south, when he was traveling through the dimensions, he discovered a dimension where there were cpu chaos that were corrupted with that energy, destroying their own nations, they were led by a being that gave them that energy, but When my older brother got there, he fought against all the cpu chaos and their lord ", explained the candidate from the south.

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