Chapter 30, origin part 1, (roots).

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Memories from the past.





"s-saturn is that you?",


"Are you actually alive saturn?!" said Uranus trying to get closer to genesis.

But before he took another step, a bolt of lightning passed by his side and cut his cheek.

Uranus at this was amazed and saw how genesis had his sword pointed at her with a cold look.

"S-Saturn, why are you attacking me?! Why are you attacking your older sister?!"; Uranus asked looking at genesis.

"I'm not Saturn, my name is Genesis, the Hierarch of the South, and I don't have a sister", said Genesis, looking at Uranus while his button symbols shone with more intensity.

Uranus only opened her eyes wide when she saw the look that genesis gave her, those eyes that before looked at her with admiration and affection now looked at her with hatred and revulsion.

At that moment he knew that Saturn was gone.










All the CPUs from both the hyper and ultra dimensions were gathered in the room after noire and nepgear suddenly came out screaming.

"There is a way to save him!"

The scream made everyone jump because it was sudden, in addition to seeing the two excited when they were previously depressed, this disconcerted them, but after hearing what they said, it intrigued them since they did not know what they were referring to.

This brings us to the current situation where everyone was sitting around looking at the hyper-noire and nepgearing with intrigue.

"What's wrong noire? it was hyper-vert who asked her excited partner and friend.

"Also what's wrong with you nepgear?" Uni asked looking at her best friend who had an expression similar to noire's.

"There is a way to save Neptune!", They both said in unison, causing everyone to open their eyes and then exclaim a great.


"What you heard we can save Neptune!"; Noire said with a big smile.

"Wow! I've never seen noire have a big smile like that!" said female Neptune with blank eyes at noire's attitude.

"Could it be that the two of them are already affected by the fact that Mr. Neptune is not here?" Rom asked, somewhat concerned.

"It's too fast for them to go crazy like that," Hyper-Blanc said.

This was everyone's comment and they were doubtful except for a few people.

"Can we help neppy?!" exclaimed a very happy plutia.

"great we can help nep-nep!"; I exclaim compa.

"Yay!", peashy Victorio at the news.

"Wait is that true?!", if she was unsure.

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