00 - Prologue

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I found myself in a very strange place. I had no memory of myself. My hands felt sticky, but I couldn't even contemplate what it was. I started running to find clues or hints on where I was. Nothing. I checked my pockets to check if I had anything to reveal my identity. Nothing. I started yelling for help, no answers. I ran into this infinite room that was filled with nothingness. I started to panic trying to find out where I was then all of a sudden I heard a faint mumble of my name.


"Hello?" I yelled with a puzzled look on my face.

"Follow the light Renata."

I looked for that light until I spotted it. I ran towards that light. While I was running towards this mysterious light, I tripped. While I picked myself back up I stared at my sticky hands, they were covered in blood. My eyes couldn't comprehend what I just saw. I couldn't tell whether I was in a nightmare or just dreaming. I desperately tried to somehow wake myself up, but I couldn't. As my tired eyes glanced through this infinite room; I saw a tall figure. I got up with my bloody hands to Lord knows who's blood I had on, and ran to the figure that waited for my presence.

"H- Hello, excuse me do you happen to kn-" I spoke as I got interrupted by a heavy weight on top of my left shoulder.

I looked over at my shoulder to see a girl resting her head onto my shoulders. I was startled that I jumped approximately 2 feet away from her. The girl had very pretty features, I wondered why she was stuck in this place like I was.

She was around 5'6. Just two inches taller than me. She had small eyes. Her face was full of freckles. Her nose was the cutest thing ever, it was flattened out, a little wide but cute. She looked like she was in her mid 20's, just like me. She had a long torso, with medium length legs. She had a slight dark skin-tone, with different curl patterns. She had the most beautiful curls I have ever laid my eyes on. Her hair was up to her shoulders. She was so stunning, I couldn't resist.

The girl had very sad eyes, eyes that looked like they wanted human touch; maybe my touch. I didn't even know who she was, but I felt like I knew her; sort of connected. I'm getting ahead of myself, I didn't even know her name.

I glanced at her again as she parted her lips as if she was going to say something, but immediately shut them when I made eye contact with her. I started smiling at the way she looked at me; and why wouldn't I? She stared at me like I was the most beautiful girl in the world, almost as if I was... perfect.

Her lips curled into a genuine smile, as if she was keeping something from me. A few seconds later she spoke. Her voice sounded so angelic.

"Hello, the name's Darci" the quiet girl finally spoke as she extended her arm to greet me. "Hey, I'm Renata" I said with a smile. All of a sudden she had given me a huge bear hug. I smelled nothing, no perfume or any type of fragrance on her. Almost as if she was never here.

I could feel her lips on my neck; not kissing it but just laying there. I was so perplexed with the sudden invitation. "Um Darci.. Is everything okay? What are you doing?" I asked with a confused voice. I pulled her shoulders to stare at her face, she looked at me with her green orbs. She was crying. Almost as if she was mourning for me.

Her eyes; glistening while staring at my lips. The sorrowful girl leaned towards my face and our lips suddenly connected. They reunited as if they've been separated to begin with, she tasted like nothing. I pulled her away for a second to look at her freckled face.

"I'm sorry I couldn't keep our promise and protect you Renata.."

The girl spoke with water droplets coming out of her green eyes. I blinked in confusion. I wanted to ask her why she said that. I wanted to understand what she meant by our promise. I wanted to ask her why she kissed me, why her kisses were tasteless. My eyes started blurring at her existence. I wanted to ask her infinite questions, but as my eyes blurred, her existence slowly disappeared. Erasing her existence. Almost as if she was never here.

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