02 - A New Home

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It's been almost a week since I moved into the orphanage.

I hopped out of the cold yet refreshing shower. After I dried my hair, I later on picked up my everyday uniform and put it on thoroughly. The girl's uniform was a simple white long sleeved polo, and white skirt that was about an inch above our knees. It had two mini kangaroo pockets on each side of the dress which I personally found quite useful if I ever wanted to sneak in food into my dorm room that I had to share with a couple of other girls.

The boys would wear something similar to what we wore, except they would wear white pants instead of a skirt.

I went to my dorm room that contained 10 girls including myself. All of them have been in this shelter longer than I have, which is probably one of the reasons why none of them ever bothered to become my friend. I guess it's understandable if you're the type to keep your circle small.

Everyone here wakes up at 7 a.m to shower. and other hygiene related business. Later on the morning, everyone went to get breakfast which was at 8:30. Once everyone received their food trays, we would say our prayers on how we were thankful for our food and shelter.

After we all ate, depending on the days we would have classes. On Mondays through Friday we would take basic classes such as mathematics, writing, science, and social studies, unless there was a kind of special holiday going on, which in that case classes would be cancelled. The older kids would take more advance classes. I won't be taking advance classes until I turn 13. Classes would start from 10 am through 2 pm. At exactly 12 in the afternoon we would have lunch time, and play time. This place wasn't all that bad. Although it did feel lonely every once in a while, but that just meant I had more time to focus more on my academics.

After I finished eating breakfast I went to my dorm room to gather my supplies to go to my homeroom class. As I walked in, I felt a heavy atmosphere of eyes staring down on me. I was confused and anxious at the same time. It had only been my 3rd day of school and I could already hear whispers about who knows what.

"Take a seat Reneta, class is about to start." whispered my teacher who I came to know as Ms. Mercedes. Her hair was always parted in the middle and her ends formed soft loose curls. She was kind to me on my first day, which made me feel less uncomfortable.

I walked over to my desk, I could still feel some eyes glaring at me as if I had done something. My desk was placed near a window that carried blue curtains on each side. I liked my desk placement. It's easier for me to concentrate on my studies, and just daydream while looking out at the blue skies, even if it's just for a little while.

"Next week on Friday, we're having a Spelling Bee. The 1st place winner will get a chance to do another Spelling Bee tournament in the city of Bordeaux." Ms. Mercedes announced. All the students became chatterboxes by the sudden announcement.

"Excuse me Ms. Mercedes, what exactly is a Spelling Bee?" asked a girl who was snickering at her friends. She was twisting her golden locks with a tight grin on her face as she waited for a response. I'm assuming that she's probably one of the well known girls considering on the amount of people that were crowded around her desk. I never understood how people could feel a sense of joy in a place like this. As much I hated the lonely feeling I had in my chest, for some reason I didn't care much on trying to make friends. I mean— I guess it would be nice to have someone to talk to, I just don't think I'm capable enough to make them stay.

"A spelling bee is contest between students. Everyone will get a chance to spell a certain word correctly. If you misspell a word you're out of the contest. The judges will explain more into depth when the time comes, Rosalie." replied to the girl with blonde locks, whose name who I came to learn as Rosalie.

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