01 - Orphan

49 6 1

La Rochelle, France
June 23rd 1816
5pm (17:00)


I saw my hometown burning right before my eyes. I wanted to run, but my legs felt paralyzed by the fear I was put in.

"WHERE DID THE BOMB COME FROM?!" a civilian yelled out.

My eyes were filled with tears, hoping someone would come grab my hand and take me to a safer place.

I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. All I wanted in this moment was for my mom to give me a bed night forehead kiss. Just like the day before, and the day before yesterday.

"Hey you, little girl are you okay, where are your parents!?" a concerned middle age man came up to me and then suddenly I was brought me back to reality.

"M- My mom is lives in Monetario street." I spoke to the concerned man.

"Oh my god..."

"Wh- Wha- What is it??"

"You see.. that's where the bomb took place first.."

"N- n- no.. you're lying" I tried to sprint away from the man to go find my mother but he grabbed my arm before I could make a getaway. "LET GO OF ME, I WANT TO SEE MY MOTHER!" I yelled at the man that was three times my size. "IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!" he kept on saying. I bit a chunk of his arm in which he let go due to the pain I put him in and ran off to find my mother.

My mom was going to be okay, our little house was going to be just fine. I thought to myself. If I make another turn down the street, my mother was going to be there waiting for me to come home with her shoulders wide open. Opened arms just for me only. Just to get the hug I desperately wanted.

But sadly... my fantasy reality never came true.

"Mo-mother... I came home. Where are you, why didn't you wait for me?"

My face felt humid. I felt myself burning up. I stared onto my muddy shoes that have been almost worn out, and my eyes had deceived me for a second. I couldn't believe my eyes. My mother's head...

Was decapitated.

I covered my mouth with both of my hands trying to hold in my tears in which I suffocated myself under.

I stared back up slowly and saw a raider with a sharp hatchet. A hatchet that hungered for the thirst of my blood.

To think someone like him was the one that took away my mother's life. Even though my eyes were puffy by the tears I recently shed, and me being just a child, the grown man didn't seem to care. He gave me an evil smirk that had frightened me.

The tall angry man walked towards me swinging his hatchet back and fourth, humming some weird musical note like a sadist he was. I didn't want to die like this.

I turned around and tried sprinting away from him but the grown man pulled onto my hair and yanked me over onto the cold ground. I had gotten mud all over my face, I was so scared that I couldn't even stand up on my own.

"Pl- please don't kill me, I don't want to die." I begged as I backed away slowly, still on the cold muddy ground. Even though he had stared deep into my brown orbs; even with tears in my eyes, the ruthless man didn't care.

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