03 - Bruises

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The topics that are going to be shown while reading this story isn't meant to be romanticize or glorified in any way. When I first started writing this story, one of my goals was to show real life topics to bring them up as a way to raise awareness. If you aren't comfortable enough to read the rest of the story I completely understand. The future chapters will contain more topics such as bullying, suicide, murder, mental illness, SA, sexual content, homophobia, and profanity.
Anyways I hope everyone has a good day/night. <3


I felt so nervous today.

I mean should I really be nervous for a Spelling Bee? It's not like I wouldn't be missing the opportunity of going to the city to compete with other kids from France, which was exactly what I would be missing.

I closed my eyes while these wild nerve wrecking thoughts filled my head. The water droplets felt so nice as it touched my smooth pale skin. I opened the bottle of shampoo that had been on this polished rack with other hygiene products to shower from. The shampoo smelled like vanilla which was one of my favorite smells. I squeezed the bottle as the liquid fluids came out of it and placed it onto my left palm. Soon later after I closed the bottle of shampoo, I rubbed my hands together, and smelled the sense of vanilla that brought me serotonin.

I placed both my palms onto my thin hair and brushed through the knotted lock strands. I rubbed my roots clean to get rid of any filth. I continued with that process until my hair felt soft and squishy by the shampoo. I rubbed the excess of shampoo onto my body, and rubbed it with a bar of soap to go with it.

Once I placed the bar of soap onto the rack, I pumped the water handle to pour the water to let it run through my hair and started trailing through my back, then onto my behind. I continued pumping the handle as I turned around to let the water hit me more on the front side of my body to cleanse me clean.

I stopped pumping the water, and grabbed the towel that I had left by the shower. I saw some the other girls do the same. Our showers were all connected, and we didn't really feel embarrassed with one another considering how we were all girls.

I switched onto my uniform, and fixed my collars. I twisted the sides of my hair to form a half up ponytail. I plucked out two thin layers of front hair strands to not make my face as awkward and to look well presentable for the contest.

The girls were excited about it to the point where they started lacking control on keeping in their excitement.

I wonder what was so special about going to the city to get everyone riled up. I heard that some couples go to those tournaments to adopt the children who are very intelligent. It didn't seem right to me for some reason. Us kids aren't pets to be picked up to your liking. I would understand the feeling of wanting to get adopted since no one in this shelter had a parent. But the idea of being picked out, just doesn't sit right with me.

I headed to the cafeteria to retrieve my morning breakfast. Today they had pancakes and french toast. I wasn't a big fan of pancakes so I asked for french toast instead.

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