past|18- better days

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"So pathetic! If you were born a man then everything would have been different!" Dhalia closed her eyes shut, as after the thunderous scolding of her father comes the unforgiving lashes of the whips.

"Listen Dhalia— you better marry Arseni even if it's the last thing you do!"

She looked down at her bloodied fist. Someday, someday—

She would kill king Auguste even if it's the last thing she does.

Even if it kills her.

She will take him down to hell with her.

. ........

So this was Ivy Avery. She was just, lovely. And the woman that Duke Arseni was set to marry.

The woman Duke Arseni loves.

"Please save yourself," Ivy looked so fragile, and breakable. King Auguste could easily have her killed if he so wishes. She fears fo the fate of this woman. How could such a fragile woman join the den of the Arseni. How could a rabbit fit in the ranks of the lions, or even go against the dragons?

"What, what do you mean princess?"

"Please leave Duke Arseni." Dhalia said resolutely, after a sharp intake of breath. This was for her own good as well. Ivy looked like someone who would be collateral damage in her father's power play.

Ivy naturally looked baffled, before her delicate eyebrows clashed.

"I can't do that," Ivy, even when she was uncomfortable and maybe even angry was still so nice. "Princess, I love him. And Tristan is the one I decided to marry and grow old with."

"Then, are you prepared for what it takes to be with him?"

"Was that a threat princess?" It was Duke Arseni, with the same bottomless pools of dark eyes. The Duke always unsettled her, and she couldn't even imagine marrying him. When he gazes at Ivy so lovingly.

And Dhalia hates to be the one who comes in between them.

"It was a question your grace," She was proud that her voice didn't stutter then. "Humor me, Lady Avery."

"I am. I won't trade Tristan for anything." Ivy, despite looking so fragile, stared back at her resolutely.

And that relieved her.

"That's good to hear. I will take my leave now."

She walked back to the palace, with a smile on her face. She prayed for the love of those two to withstand whatever King Auguste would throw at them. She prayed for better days, where in Marco reclaims Seoris from the greedy claws of her father.

She hoped desperately that she'd still be alive when those better days come.

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