18 | I'm fine... Am I fine?

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Bliss. After my mission went wrong, I never considered using that word in my life. Neither did I consider the woman I love would bring those blissful days back.

Things were falling back to their place in my mundane life. 

After what I had undergone, mundane was blissful. Meh days was what I craved for. 

People who never experienced a kiss of death would crave for an exciting and vibrant life. They wouldn't know how underrated a mundane, ordinary day was for a veteran.

"I'm telling you everything is going as per the schedule. So don't worry." Talking on a call, Zemira walked into the bedroom.

She eyed Romeo, who laid at my feet and wagged his tail. She smiled, ruffled his fur and used the same hand to ruffle my hair.

"Don't worry, Haley." She walked back towards the hallway. "You just take care of what we discussed."

I lay on the bed, eying the corner of my room where Zem left to finish her conversation. 

Romeo stirred, huffing a soft, whiny blast of air and leaned over his paws. His eyes, like mine, were trained on the door to the shadow cast by the setting sun hindered by Zemira's body.

"Come on buddy..." I grabbed Romeo's leash from the bedside table. "Let's have an early walk."

Hopping out of the bed, he wagged his tail, vigorously slapping it on both sides of his body. Woof 

Like the good boy that he was, he sat still while I clasped his leash in place.

Woof Woof

Restlessness was second nature to Romeo and he never disappointed revealing his happiness for our walks.

I got off the bed and moved ahead, eying my happy, fluffy friend when my leg slipped on something wet. My right leg stabilized but my prosthetic leg dragged me ahead. 

The grip of my artificial limb was still wobbly. I landed on my knees. 

Pain, a mixture of heat and bone clattering pricks coursed up my body and braided into my spine.

"Leo..." Zem's voice, piqued with worry and concern streamed through the door. "Fuck, what happened." 

She entered the room, eying me kneel in a painful position.

"I'm okay." I wasn't. 

My face felt like swelling up, my eyes burned from the inside. Those subsided surgical pricks I felt over my left stump now appeared more than real, hammering into what remained of it. 

"Just... gimme a second."

If pain was a human, it was grappling my throat, my chest and even clasping my heart from pumping blood. My insides felt the swell, of throbbing pinpricks that turned into a crushing force.

"Leo..." Zemira's warm palms cradled my sweaty face. "I'll call someone... okay."

I looked at her -- my girl. Seeing her twitching forehead or when she bit into her cuticles, I knew she was worried. 

"No..." My mouth dried. "Don't call anyone. Just..." My vision blurred. The heat and pain was melting my face. "Gimme a minute."

With an apprehensive head nod, Zemira curled her legs and sat on the floor. 

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