A Trip Down Memory Lane... Can Be Tough.

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Phil's POV
I was currently eating Halo-Halo that I brought with me to this meeting. I think my kuyas are doing well. Haven't made any friends yet since people are intimidated by them. I started to remember the past.

Phil was happy. His two kuyas were with nanay at tatay. Tatay had already taught his kuyas and Phil some basic martial arts that were with us even before Tatay. It was fun. Until they arrived....

Ships arrived and their captain, this Magellan guy claimed this to be Spanish Territory. Lady-Lapu, refused to accept the Christian faith and killed Magellan and his men. Out of many ships, only one managed to complete the journey. Soon after that, Spanish ships arrived in the thousands. They took the place.

"Perla!" His tatay shouted as she fell to the ground, shot in the head by HIM. The Spanish Empire. He cradled her body and swore vengeance. He ran with Del, Martial and Phil to a safe place where they wouldn't be found.

There tatay started a rebellion. Jose Rizal write Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. He was therefore executed by being shot in the back. Tatay ripped up the Pendula and starting gathering members for the KKK or Katipunan. That rebellion was a long one, there some losses and some wins.

Years, centuries passed. Soon new ships arrived. The Americans. They convinced the Spainards to sell my land as well as some others for millions of dollars. They agreed. Dad tried to stop the Americans but.... Their strength in firepower proved affective. Dad was shot 40 times in the chest and back and soon fell of a cliff presumably dying.

The Americans at first promised independence. Phil at first trusted them. He really did. But apparently, greed runs deep. Soon it was the Philippine-American war. There were many brave souls that fought especially Heneral Luna. After a few years, he was assassinated and had 40 gunshots wounds and a few stab wounds.

Soon America declared war on the Japanese Empire. The Japanese soon invaded Phil's land. The abuse was terrible, especially the Bataan Death March which was later deemed a war crime by the Allied Forces.

Finally, Phil was free. Unfortunately Martial Law happened which lead to a dictatorship for 14 years until a revolution happened which caused Martial to disappear. Uh... then the battle of Marawi, you get the point.

Flashback End

Question was: Why did Phil forgive those three, the sons of dad's enemies? People all the time screwed Phil over, hurt him, betrayed him so why?

Well, hahaha.....

Phil may be a happy cinnamon roll most of the time. But all that pain could very well to a very deadly villian if messed with. He did Martial Arts for years, can use guns and swords with ease. He just never received training like his brothers did since he believes he might end up cold like them.

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