The Plan

419 13 0

3rd POV

The countries all sat in the meeting room in the huge building. With the four members just staring at them.

North Luzon: Well hello there you all. Amy was right that you guys would try to look for Phil.

America: Well-


North Luzon holding a gun: Yea we know. No need for talking. First of all, thanks for you guys caring for Phil. But, we need to find out where he is.

He turns around and a screen popped up. It was the world map.

South Luzon stood up. "Well we have already searched our regions so he definitely isn't in any warehouse I'm familiar with. Visayas and Mindanao have also searched the Pacific and the other bodies of water in our territory. However we have found a potential location. It is located underground on this uninhabited island. Go there and try to rescue him."

Visayas: Well that leaves you guys. Try and find him. Also I hate saying this but just this once, I'll trust you guys. Break it and I'm throwing you off the first cliff I see.

Mindanao: Don't be so dramatic. We'll find him and there will be no need for killing anybody. We need all the help we can get.

Amy: Well that about sums it up. Now go.

The countries stood up to leave and Amy said before they left.

"Be careful and be keen. Phil loves puzzles and riddles. He will probably leave a clue of where he is somewhere."

After the door shut....

North Luzon: UGH I hated that conversation.

South Luzon: Calm down. This might even be fun.

North Luzon: Fun?!

Visayas: Yea. I mean we are basically playing protectors right now due to Phil's orders of not hurting them.

Mindanao: I just hope Phil is alright.

Amy: Oh he will be. The only reason why we are searching is because we are all family. In reality, he probably would have escaped by now. I wonder why?

Don't mess with my family! (Reworking) Where stories live. Discover now